XCN-membership |
41.第一次做,涉足 get one’s feet wet
42.真便宜That's a steal.
43.你很幽默 You have a good sense of humor
44.你的中文说得太棒了Your Chinese is surprising
45.做得很好 You did a good job(you did tip top)
46.你很有品位 You have a good taste
47.你的星座是什么 What’s your sign of the zodiac
48.消磨时间 kill some time(while away the time)
49.有打折的吗 Is there a discount on something?
50.我们兴趣相同 We sing the same song.
51.我有三天空闲(大学里的是不是有同感,星期5,6,7都没课?)I have 3 days free.
52.真便宜 down the round
53.祝贺你提升 Congratulations on your promotion.(当然更地道可以break ur leg~)
54.下周再查查吧 Check on it next week.
55.你有时间吗Are you available?
56.试试运气Try your luck.(或者give it a shot)
57.克制自己 Check yourself.(check an impulse to laugh抑止住想要笑的冲动)
58.我最喜欢它了 I dig it the most.
59.我成功了(特别幸运的小概率事件)I pulled it off.
60.相处得很好 Hit it off with sb.
61.我想开/清空一个帐户 I like to open / close an account.
62.振作起来 Pull oneself together .
63.正忙着呢 My hands are tired / I am as busy as a bee/my hand is full~~
64.真不敢相信 I can’t believe my eyes.
65.真精彩 It’s really neat.
66.好主意It’s a neat idea.
67.这是最新款 This is the latest model.
68.什么牌子 What brand?
69.我完全同意 I agree with you one hundred percent.
70.你真行 You are really something.
71.我正在路上 I am on my way.
72.我们的价格是最低了 Our price are rock bottom .
73.我们可以比那个低We can beat that price.
74.我要看看我的日程表 I have to check my schedule.
75.销售期限 pull date
76.首先 to start with
77.就我所知 to the best of my knowledge
78.进展顺利 I’m shaping up.
79.我需要发票 I need a receipt.
80.请您吩咐 My time is your time.