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    Chinese Celebrities    
    Sun Tzu 孙子  (5656) 2012-4-12
    Mencius 孟子  (5255) 2012-4-12
    Laozi 老子  (5323) 2012-4-12
    Yan Emperor 炎帝  (7047) 2012-4-12
    Yellow Emperor 黄帝  (5098) 2012-4-12
    Fu Xi 伏羲  (5691) 2012-4-12
    Goddess Nuwa 女娲  (7857) 2012-4-12
    Jiang Ziya 姜子牙  (6919) 2011-12-30
    Yu, the Great Conquered the Flood 大禹  (5634) 2011-12-30
    PanGu 盘古  (5272) 2011-12-30
    Confucius 孔子  (7368) 2010-5-7
    The Most Famed Anchorwoman of China-Yang Lan 杨澜  (6808) 2010-5-5
    Sun Yat-sen 孙中山  (5978) 2009-11-3
    Deng Xiaoping 邓小平  (5364) 2009-11-3
    Zhang Ziyi 章子怡  (5409) 2009-11-3
    Sun Simiao 孙思邈  (6778) 2009-10-12
    Zu Chongzhi 祖冲之  (5474) 2009-10-12
    Wang Fuzhi 王夫之  (5710) 2009-10-12
    Mei Lanfang 梅兰芳  (5119) 2009-10-9
    Liuxiang 刘翔  (5261) 2009-9-28
    Zhang Yimou 张艺谋  (5570) 2009-9-28
    Mao Zedong 毛泽东  (5128) 2009-9-28
    Yaoming 姚明  (5525) 2009-9-28
    Bruce Lee 李小龙  (5345) 2009-9-16
    Jackie Chan 成龙  (7950) 2009-9-16
    LI Bai 李白  (5577) 2009-9-15
    Four Beauties of Ancient China: Xi Shi 西施  (6441) 2009-9-15
    Four Beauties of Ancient China: Yang Guifei 杨贵妃  (5676) 2009-9-15
    Four Beauties of Ancient China:Diao Chan 貂蝉  (5668) 2009-9-15
    Four Beauties of Ancient China:Wang Zhaojun 王昭君  (6975) 2009-9-15
    One of the most great emperors in Chinese history:Zhu Yuanzhang 朱元璋  (5481) 2009-9-15
    One of the most great emperors in Chinese history:汉武帝(hàn wǔ dì)Emperor Wu of Han  (5978) 2009-9-15
    One of the most great emperors in Chinese history:Emperor Taizong of Tang 唐太宗--李世民  (5948) 2009-9-15
    Qin Shi Huang 秦始皇  (7140) 2009-9-15
    Course: Life in China
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