Folk songs just like the spring river
歌曲简介 The synopsis of the song
《山歌好比春江水》出自我国经典电影《刘三姐》,电影《刘三姐》是长春电影制片厂1960年摄制的故事片。描写广西歌仙刘三姐与地主斗歌的故事,反映了广大农民与地主斗争的故事。这首歌颇具广西民族特色,后由歌手斯琴格日乐翻唱。 Folk songs just like the spring river derived from the classical movie "Sanjie Liu", this movie is a feature films which made by the changchun film studio in 1960 .It describes a fighting story between a famous singer liu sanjiein from GuangXi and the landlord , reflecting the fighting story of the mass of farmers and those landowners.This song is full of GuangXi ethnic characteristics,it was resung by a singer SiQinGeRiLe later.
歌词 《山歌好比春江水》
唱山歌嘞 这边唱来 那边合 那边合 山歌好比春江水哎 不怕险滩弯又多喽弯又多
唱山歌嘞 这边唱来 那边合 那边合 山歌好比春江水哎 不怕险滩弯又多喽弯又多
唱山歌嘞 这边唱来 那边合 那边合 山歌好比春江水哎 不怕险滩弯又多喽弯又多 不怕滩险弯又多喽弯又多
Lyrics Folk songs just like the spring river
Let’s sing folk songs Here and there in there to sing Folk songs just like the spring river water we are not afraid of the rapids and bendings
Let’s sing folk songs Here and there in there to sing Folk songs just like the spring river water we are not afraid of the rapids and bendings Let’s sing folk songs Here and there in there to sing Folk songs just like the spring river water we are not afraid of the rapids and bendings we are not afraid of the rapids and bendings
pinyin Shāngē hǎobǐ chūnjiāng shuǐ
Chàng shāngē lei Zhè biān chàng lái nà biān hé nà biān hé Shāngē hǎobǐ chūnjiāng shuǐ āi Bùpà xiǎntān wān yòu duō lou wān yòu duō
Chàng shāngē lei Zhè biān chàng lái nà biān hé nà biān hé Shāngē hǎobǐ chūnjiāng shuǐ āi Bùpà xiǎntān wān yòu duō lou wān yòu duō
Chàng shāngē lei Zhè biān chàng lái nà biān hé nà biān hé Shāngē hǎobǐ chūnjiāng shuǐ āi Bùpà xiǎntān wān yòu duō lou wān yòu duō Bùpà tān xiǎn wān yòu duō lou wān yòu duō
生词百宝箱 New Words
山歌 (n.) shān gē folk song 这边 (n.) zhè biān here 那边 (n.) nà biān there 好比 (prep.) hǎobǐ can be compared to 不怕 (v.) bùpà be not afraid of 险滩 (n.) xiǎntān rapids 弯又多 (adj.)wān yòu duō bending and more
词语链 Word Chain
山歌 唱山歌 壮族山歌 马栏山歌 唱 唱民歌 唱独角戏 唱票 合 合唱 合法 合作关系 不怕 不怕吃苦 不怕困难 不怕寂寞 险滩 急流险滩 急流险滩 越过险滩
练习 Exercise
1.这首歌有很多拟声词,请一一列举出来。 This song has a lot of onomatopoetic words, please list them out.
2.根据拼音写出相应的汉字,然后有感情地朗读全文。 Write down the characters of the following “pinyin”,then read it with expression. 唱shān gē( )嘞 Zhè biān ( )唱来 nà biān( )合 那边合 山歌hǎobǐ( )春江水哎 不怕tān xiǎn( )弯又多喽 wān ( )又多
3.这首歌表达了什么?请你把歌词大意写下来。 Use your own words, write down the song’s meaning according to your understand. 4.你的家乡有什么具有地方特色的歌曲,请你也向大家介绍。 Do you have any special song with local characteristics introduce to us?
5.完整演唱《山歌好比春江水》 Please sing the song “ Shāngē hǎobǐ chūnjiāng shuǐ”completely.