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    Chinese Language Poems    
    Fairy of the Magpie Bridge 鹊桥仙(Audio♫)  (6431) 2009-11-12
    Buddhist Dancers 菩萨蛮 辛弃疾(Audio♫)  (5426) 2009-11-12
    A Song of War-Chariot 兵车行(Audio♫)  (5975) 2009-11-12
    Looking At The Moon And Thinking Of One Far Away 望月怀远(Audio♫)  (5805) 2009-11-12
    Down ZhongNan Mountain to the Kind Pillow and Bowl of Husi(Audio♫)  (5537) 2009-11-11
    Returning at night to lumen mountain 夜归鹿门山歌(Audio♫)  (5407) 2009-11-11
    A Farm-house On The Wei River 渭川田家(Audio♫)  (5370) 2009-11-11
    On Meeting My Friend Feng Zhu In The Capital 长安遇冯著(Audio♫)  (5432) 2009-11-10
    A Song Of An Autumn Midnight 子夜四时歌 秋歌(Audio♫)  (5379) 2009-11-10
    A Traveller's Song 游子吟(Audio♫)  (5669) 2009-11-10
    To My Retired Ffiend Wei 赠卫八处士(Audio♫)  (5597) 2009-11-10
    A Moonlit Night on the Spring River 春江花月夜(Audio♫)  (5562) 2009-11-9
    A Song Of Lu Mountain To Censor Lu Xuzhou 庐山谣寄卢侍御虚舟(Audio♫)  (5813) 2009-11-9
    A Farewell To secretary Shuyun 宣州谢朓楼饯别校书叔云(Audio♫)  (5547) 2009-11-6
    Alone In Her Beauty 佳人 (Audio♫)  (5707) 2009-11-6
    The Moon At The Fortified Pass 关山月(Audio♫)  (5380) 2009-11-6
    A Song Of White Snow In Farewell To Field-clerk Wu Going Home 白雪歌送武判官归京(Audio♫)  (5663) 2009-11-6
    A Twig Of Mume Blossoms 一剪梅(Audio♫)  (5515) 2009-11-5
    The Beautiful Xi Shi 西施咏 (Audio♫)  (5373) 2009-11-5
    Drinking Along With The Moon 月下独酌 (Audio♫)  (5558) 2009-11-5
    The Lost Land Recalled Tune:  (5497) 2009-11-5
    Bringing In The Wine 将进酒 李白 (Audio♫)  (5508) 2009-11-4
    Tianmu Mountain Ascended In A Dream 梦游天姥吟留别 (Audio♫)  (5822) 2009-11-4
    ON A GATE-TOWER AT YUZHOU 登幽州台歌 (Audio♫)  (5538) 2009-11-4
    A Long Climb 登高 杜甫 (Audio♫)  (5462) 2009-11-3
    A Spring Outing along the West Lake 钱塘湖春行(Audio♫)  (5624) 2009-11-3
    A SONG OF THE YAN COUNTRY yān gē xíng  bìng xù 燕歌行 并序 (Audio ♫)  (6298) 2009-11-3
    Tang Poetry 唐诗  (5598) 2009-9-15
    Appreciation of Chinese Poems 汉语诗词欣赏  (5655) 2009-9-12
    Renovation of the Yueyang Building 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》(Audio ♫)  (6693) 2009-9-12
    Grief Beyond Belief 李清照《声声慢》(Audio ♫)  (5949) 2009-9-12
    Story of Old Tippler's Pavilion 欧阳修《醉翁亭记》(Audio ♫)  (7142) 2009-9-12
    niàn nú jiāo · chì bì huái gǔ 苏 轼《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》(Audio ♫)  (5563) 2009-9-12
    The Double Ninth 毛泽东《采桑子 .重阳》(cǎi sāng zǐ .chóng yáng) (Audio ♫)  (5482) 2009-9-12
    Dreamlike song 李清照《如梦令》(Audio ♫)  (5533) 2009-9-12
    chū sài 王之涣《出塞》 (Audio ♫)  (5373) 2009-9-12
    Changsha 毛泽东《沁园春.长沙》(qìn yuán chūn .cháng shā )(Audio ♫)  (5902) 2009-9-12
    Love seeds 王维《相思》 xiāng sī(Audio ♫)  (5591) 2009-9-12
    Spring Morning 孟浩然《春晓》chūn xiǎo(Audio ♫)  (5415) 2009-9-12
    The Deer Enclosure 王维《鹿柴》lù chái (Audio ♫)  (5433) 2009-9-12
    Visiting An Old Friend 孟浩然《过故人庄》Guò gù rén zhuāng(Audio ♫)  (5343) 2009-9-12
    On The Heron Tower 王之涣《登鹳雀楼》dēng guàn què lóu (Audio ♫)  (5289) 2009-9-12
    Sorrow Of A Young Bride In Her Boudoir 王昌龄《闺怨》guī yuàn (Audio ♫)  (5240) 2009-9-12
    Homeward bound I go 陶渊明《归去来兮辞》(guī qù lái xī cí)(Audio ♫)  (6399) 2009-9-12
    Preface to the Lanting Poetry Anthology 王羲之《兰亭集序》(lán tíng jí xù)(Audio ♫)  (5902) 2009-9-12
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