The one i love most yet hurt me deepest
歌曲介绍 The Synopsis of the Song
你曾经被你爱的人伤害过吗?我们容易在爱情里受伤,因为在我们最在意的人面前,我们常常表现最脆弱。当心门关闭,世界仿佛一片黑暗。你们曾经待过的城市,一起去过的地方,如今都成了想逃避的对象。如果你也有过这样的体会,那么这首张雨生和张惠妹演唱的《最爱的人伤我最深》定能唱出你的心声。 Have you ever hurt by someone you love deeply? You must feel terrible. We are easily hurt in love coz we are fragile in front of the one we care about most.When the door of heart is closed, the world is full of darkness. The city once you lived, the place you once went together now have turned into somewhere you want to escape. If you ever experienced this feeling, the song “zui ai de ren shang wo zui shen”(The one i love most yet hurt me deepest )by zhang Huimei may well get into your heart.
黑夜来得无声 hēiyè lái dé wú shēng 爱情散得无痕 àiqíng sàn dé wú hén 刻骨的风, 卷起心的清冷 kè gǔ de fēng , juàn qǐ xīn de qīng lěng 吹去多年情份 chuī qù duō nián qíng fèn 只剩我一人 zhī shèng wǒ yī rén
两朵孤单的魂 liǎng duǒ gūdān de hún 会心的眼神. 哦 huì xīn de yǎnshén . ò 你我的苦竟是如此吻合 nǐ wǒ de kǔ jìng shì rú cǐ wěnhé 感情的沦落人 gǎnqíng de lúnluò rén , 相遇在这伤感的城 xiāngyù zài zhè shānggǎn de chéng .
我最深爱的人 wǒ zuì shēn ài de rén 伤我却是最深 shāng wǒ què shì zuì shēn 进退我无权选择 jìn tuì wǒ wú quán xuǎnzé 紧紧关上心门 jǐn jǐn guān shàng xīn mén 留下片刻温存 liú xià piàn kè wēn cún 只怕还有来生 zhǐ pà hái yǒu láishēng 我爱的依然最真 wǒ ài de yī rán zuì zhēn 我最深爱的人 wǒ zuì shēn ài de rén 伤我却是最深 shāng wǒ què shì zuì shēn 教人无助的深刻 jiào rén wúzhù de shēnkè 点亮一盏灯 diǎn liàng yī zhǎn dēng 温暖我无悔的青春 wēnnuǎn wǒ wú huǐ de qīngchūn 燃尽我所有无怨的认真 rán jìn wǒ suǒ yǒu wú yuàn de rènzhēn
The night comes silently Love scattered without any trace Harsh winds chill my heart And blow away years of affection Leaving me alone Two lonely souls And understanding eyes Our sufferings are so match We are both victims of love And meet in this sad city The one i love most Yet hurt me deepest I have no choice But to close door of heart And reserve the moments of warmth I am afraid if there is an after life My love is still so real The one i love most Yet hurt me deepest This makes me so helpless Lit a light And warm my regretless youth And burn all my earnest
生词百宝箱New Words
1.散 v sàn apart, disperse 2.痕 n. hén trace 3. 魂 n. hún soul 4. 眼神 n. yǎn shén eye contact 5. 吻合 adj. wěn hé fit each other well 6. 伤感 adj. shāng gǎn sad 7. 进退 v. jìn tuì advance and retreat 8. 来生 n. lái shēng after life 9. 点亮 v. diǎn liàng lit 10. 盏 n. zhǎn measure word for light 11. 灯 n. dēng lamp 12. 无悔的 adj. wú huǐ de regretless 13. 青春 n. qīng chūn youth 14. 燃 v.rán burn 15. 认真 n/ adv. rèn zhēn earnest carefully
词语链 word chain
痕 痕迹 伤痕 踏雪无痕 选择 艰难的选择 选择离开 选择放弃 认真 认真工作 认真学习 他的认真让我感动 魂 灵魂 魂魄 鬼魂
语言点 grammar
最+ adj (Superlative form)
最爱的 the most beloved 最深的 the deepest 最开心的 the happiest 最漂亮的 the most beautiful Eg. 我最爱的人是妈妈。The one i love most is my mom. Eg. 这是我吃过的最好吃的食物。 This is the most delicious food i have ever had.
练习 Exercise
一、翻译下列句子 Translate the sentences below into Chinese: This is the happiest day i have spent.
This is the most interesting book i have ever read.
二、谈谈你最深爱的人。 Talk about your most beloved one.
三、完整演唱《最爱的人伤我最深》Please sing completely the song “zuì ài de rén shāng wǒ zuì shēn ”