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    Chinese Language Idioms    
    俚语 Slang  (7393) 2013-10-10
    Plugging Ones Ears While Stealing a Bell 掩耳盗铃(Audio ♫)  (6620) 2009-9-18
    Aping a Beauty 东施效颦(Audio ♫)  (6453) 2009-9-18
    Calling a Stag a Horse 指鹿为马(Audio ♫)  (6214) 2009-9-18
    To Borrow Arrows with Thatched Boats 草船借箭 (Audio ♫)  (6094) 2009-9-18
    Chinese slang 汉语俚语  (6381) 2009-9-15
    Chinese Proverb 中文谚语  (8071) 2009-9-15
    The Blind Man and the Elephant 盲人摸象 (Audio ♫)  (7096) 2009-9-13
    Sleep On Brushwood and Taste Gall 卧薪尝胆 (Audio ♫)  (5924) 2009-9-13
    A Person from Zheng Bought Shoes 郑人买履 (Audio ♫ )  (6031) 2009-9-13
    Mao Sui Recommending Himself 毛遂自荐 (Audio ♫)  (6276) 2009-9-13
    Lust for gain 利令智昏 (Audio ♫)  (5758) 2009-9-13
    Birds Startled by the Mere Twang of a Bowstring 惊弓之鸟 (Audio ♫)  (6247) 2009-9-13
    SPEARS AND SHIELDS 自相矛盾 (Audio ♫)  (6099) 2009-9-13
    Everything is ready except the East Wind 万事俱备只欠东风 (Audio ♫)  (6076) 2009-9-13
    Stealing the Light for Study by Making a Small Hole Secretly from Neighbor's Wall 凿壁借光 (Audio ♫)  (5801) 2009-9-13
    Going South by Driving the Chariot North 南辕北辙 (Audio ♫)  (5954) 2009-9-13
    Look at someone with a new eye 刮目相看 (Audio ♫)  (5810) 2009-9-13
    Cross puzzle 四字词语接龙游戏  (5960) 2009-9-13
    Blessing or Bane 塞翁失马焉知非福 (Audio ♫)  (6322) 2009-9-12
    Pull up the Seedlings to Help Them Grow 揠苗助长 (Audio ♫)  (5836) 2009-9-12
    Making His Mark 刻舟求剑 (Audio ♫)  (5802) 2009-9-12
    The Frog in the Shallow Well 井底之蛙 (Audio ♫)  (6655) 2009-9-12
    Yu Gong Removed the Mountains 愚公移山 (Audio ♫)  (6372) 2009-9-12
    Chinese Idioms 汉语成语  (6562) 2009-9-12
    Brotherhood Forged in the Peach Garden 桃园结义 (Audio ♫)  (6444) 2009-9-12
    Zhao San Mu Si 朝三暮四 (Audio ♫)  (6011) 2009-9-12
    Kindly Step into the Vat--Try What You Have Devised against Others 请君入瓮(Audio ♫)  (5874) 2009-9-12
    Overwhelming Popularity of a New Work Causes Shortage of Printing Paper 洛阳纸贵(Audio ♫)  (5686) 2009-9-12
    Lamenting One’s Littleness before the Vast Ocean 望洋兴叹 wàng yáng xīng tàn(Audio ♫)  (5570) 2009-9-12
    Retreating about Thirty Miles as Condition for Peace 退避三舍(pinyin:tuì bì sān shě )(Audio ♫)  (6378) 2009-9-12
    Like Fire and Flowering Rush 如火如荼(rú huǒ rú tú)(Audio ♫)  (6007) 2009-9-12
    Looking for a Steed with the Aid Of Its Picture 按图索骥(àn tú suǒ jì)(Audio ♫)  (6099) 2009-9-12
    Killing Two Birds with One Arrow 一箭双雕(yī jiàn shuāng diāo)(Audio ♫)  (6062) 2009-9-12
    Amazing the World with a Single Feat 一鸣惊人(yī míng jīng rén )(Audio ♫)  (5656) 2009-9-12
    Professed Love of What One Really Fears 叶公好龙(yè gōng hào lóng)(Audio ♫)  (5740) 2009-9-12
    Snake-like Reflection of a Bow in the Cup 杯弓蛇影(bēi gōng shé yǐng)(Audio ♫)  (6569) 2009-9-12
    Rising Up upon Hearing the Crow of a Rooster to Practice Sword Playing 闻鸡起舞 (Audio ♫)  (6465) 2009-9-12
    Chang E’s Flight to the Moon 嫦娥奔月(cháng é bēn yuè)  (5886) 2009-9-12
    Understanding and Appreciative Friends 高山流水 (Audio ♫)  (7261) 2009-9-12
    If the Lips Are Gone, the Teeth Will Be Cold 唇亡齿寒 (Audio ♫)  (5901) 2009-9-12
    Having a ready-formed plan 胸有成竹 (Audio ♫)  (5745) 2009-9-12
    Be there just to make up the number 滥竽充数 (Audio ♫)  (5861) 2009-9-12
    Groping about the Chin of the Black Dragon to Get a Pearl-Bringing out the Best 探骊得珠(Audio ♫)  (6386) 2009-9-12
    Staying by a Tree Waiting for More Hares To Come 守株待兔 (Audio ♫)  (5865) 2009-9-12
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