Blue lotus
歌曲简介 The Synopsis of the Song
歌曲《蓝莲花》由许巍作词作曲并演唱,曾经多次作为歌曲被选入电影、电视剧。《蓝莲花》歌唱的是一种坚定不移追求梦想的宝贵精神。这首歌曲的歌词没有豪言壮语,曲调亦无跌宕起伏之处,整首歌以一种平静祥和的口吻唱出来,但却震撼了千万人的心灵。也许在追梦的路上,你也曾彷徨,但没有什么能阻挡你追求自由的心。 Lan lianhua (Blue lotus) is composed and sang by Chinese singer Xuwei and for many times it has been played in movies and tv serial. Lan lianhua praises the spirit of persistently pursuing dreams. The language of this song is very plain yet it moves thousands of people. We may get lost on the way to our dreams but nothing can stop our desire for freedom.
没有什么能够阻挡 méi yǒu shénme nénggòu zǔdǎng 你对自由的向往 nǐ duì zìyóu de xiàngwǎng 天马行空的生涯 tiānmǎxíngkōng de shēngyá 你的心了无牵挂 nǐ de xīn le wú qiānguà
穿过幽暗的岁月 chuān guò yōuàn de suìyuè 也曾感到彷徨 yě céng gǎn dào pánghuáng 当你低头地瞬间 dàng nǐ dī tóu de shùnjiān 才发觉脚下的路 cái fā jué jiǎo xià de lù
心中那自由地世界 xīn zhōng nà zìyóu dì shìjiè 如此的清澈高远 rú cǐ de qīngchè gāoyuǎn 盛开着永不凋零 shèng kāi zhe yǒng bù diāolíng 蓝莲花 lán liánhuā
There is nothing that can stop your desire for freedom an unrestrained life career you are carefree going through the dark days you once felt puzzled the moment you lower your head you just find that the road under your feet and the world of freedom in your heart become so clear in full bloom is the forever unfading blue lotus
生词百宝箱 New words
1. 阻挡 v. 动 zǔ dǎng prevent 2. 自由 n. 名 zì yóu freedom 3. 向往 v. 动 xiàng wǎng yearn for 4. 天马行空 adj, 形 tiān mǎ xíng kōng unrestrained 5. 牵挂 n/v. 名/动 qiān guà care 6. 彷徨 adj,形 páng huáng puzzled/ confuse 7. 凋零 v.动 diāo líng fade 8. 莲花 n.名 lián huā lotus
词语链 word chain
向往 向往自由 向往美好生活 向往大学 自由 自由自在 自由的生活 自由地飞翔 牵挂 父母的牵挂 牵挂亲人 牵挂孩子
文化注释 Cultural notes
Lotus is one of the most favorite flowers for Chinese people since ancient time and it has very deep culture roots in China. It is considered as the symbol of purity and grace because of its feature of growing from filth mud yet without being polluted. Numerous poems were written to praise lotus in Chinese literature and it is also an important symbol in religion especially Buddhism and represents the beauty of female and the sacred sun.
练习 Practice
一、找出下列花卉的中文名 Find out the Chinese names for the following flowers:
rose lily daisy peony
二、请你说说 Please give explanation in your own words.
三、自由谈 Discuss the following questions