Night Shanghai 夜上海
歌曲简介 The synopsis of the song 《夜上海》是电影《长相思》中的插曲。歌曲描述的内容正是电影中女主人公因生活逼迫而到舞厅当歌女的经历。因电影讲述的是发生在抗日战争时期的故事,因此歌曲唱出的不仅是女主人公当时的个人遭遇,更唱出了那时候底层人民的艰难困苦,还有上层阶级的放纵糜烂,颇有“商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花”的意味。这首歌曲自1946年来,一直广受欢迎,被改编为许多不同的版本,广为传唱。
Night Shanghai is a song from the film The Lasting Yearnings. It describes the heroine’s experience as a singer in a ballroom because of the poverty. The story happened at the time of the anti-Japanese War, so the song doesn’t only describe the heroine’s personal experience, but also the hardships of the people at the bottom, and indulgence and erosion of the upper-class, which is similar to fiddling while Rome burned. Since it’s publication in 1946, it’s been very popular. It’s been adopted for many different versions and sung all over China.
夜上海夜上海 Yè Shànghǎi yè Shànghǎi 你是个不夜城 Nǐ shì gè bú yè chéng 华灯起 乐声响 歌舞升平 Huá dēng qǐ yuè shēng xiǎng gēwǔshēngpíng 只见她笑脸迎 Zhǐ jiàn tā xiàoliǎn yíng 谁知她内心苦闷 Shuí zhī tā nèixīn kǔmèn 夜生活 都为了 衣食住行 Yè shēnghuó dōu wèi le yīshízhùxíng 酒不醉人人自醉 Jiǔ bù zuì rén rén zì zuì 胡天胡地 蹉跎了青春 Hú tiān hú di cuōtuó le qīngchūn 晓色朦胧 倦眼惺忪 Xiǎo sè ménglóng juàn yǎn xīngsōng 大家归去心灵儿随着转动的车轮 Dàjiā guī qù xīnlíngr suí zhe zhuǎn dòng de chē lún 换一换新天地 Huàn yī huàn xīn tiāndì 别有一个新环境 Bié yǒu yīgè xīn huánjìng 回味着夜生活如梦初醒 Huíwèi zhe yè shēnghuó rú mèng chū xǐng
Night Shanghai You're a city that never sleeps Lights on music sound singing and dancing for this moment’s peacefulness You only see her smiling face But what about her inner anguish Nightlife is only for basic necessities It's not the wine that intoxicates but the drinker who gets himself drunk Dissipatedly, waste youth Tired bleary eyes in hazy dawns We go back to the wheels, the rotation takes hearts away New change new world new environment Pondering the nightlife wakes me up
生词百宝箱 New Words
华灯 (n.) huá dēng light;colorful decorated lantern 乐声 (n.) yuè shēng music 歌舞升平 (n.& adj.) gē wǔ shēng ping sing and dance in celebration of peace 笑脸 (n.) xiào liǎn smiling face 苦闷 (n.) kǔ mèn anguish 衣食住行 (n.) yī shí zhù xíng basic necessities of life 蹉跎 (v.) cuō tuó waste time 朦胧 (adj.) méng lóng hazy 惺忪 (adj.) xīng sōng (of eyes) not yet fully open 心灵儿 (n.) xīn língr heart; soul; spirit 回味 (v.) huí wèi ponder 如梦初醒 (v.& adj.) rú mèng chū xǐng as if awakening from a dream
词语链 Word Chain
笑 笑脸 大笑 微笑 苦 苦闷 苦恼 苦瓜 朦胧 月色朦胧 朦胧月色 色彩朦胧 心灵 美丽心灵 心灵深处 心灵鸡汤 梦 梦想 梦境 做梦
练习 Exercise
1. 正确朗读下面的几组词语,对比它们的发音 Read the pairs of words below and contrast their pronunciation. (1) 夜上海 yè Shànghǎi (night Shanghai) 野上海 yě Shànghǎi (wild Shanghai) (2) 如梦 rú mèng (as it’s a dream) 入梦 rù mèng (come into the dream) 2. 根据拼音写出汉字,然后有感情地朗读全文。 According to the Pinyin write down the Chinese characters, then read it with expression. 夜上海夜上海 你是个bú yè chéng ( ) Huá dēng( )起 乐声响gēwǔshēngpíng ( ) 只见她xiàoliǎn( )迎 谁知她内心kǔmèn ( ) 夜生活 都为了yīshízhùxíng ( ) 酒jiǔ( )不醉人人自醉 胡天胡地cuōtuó ( )了青春 晓色ménglóng ( ) 倦眼xīngsōng ( ) 大家归去xīnlíngr ( )随着转动的车轮 换一换新tiāndì ( ) 别有一个新huánjìng ( ) Huíwèi ( )着夜生活 rú mèng ( )初醒 3. 阅读理解 Reading comprehension (1). 歌曲里的女主人公为了什么而选择夜生活? (2). 歌曲里说的如梦初醒是指什么?
4. 自由谈 Free talk (1). 谈谈你们国家二战期间舞女的社会地位。 (2). 介绍一首你熟悉的二战期间舞厅里最流行的歌曲。 5.完整演唱《夜上海》 Please sing completely the song Night Shanghai