拼音/第一课:声母 (一) Pronunciation/Pinyin/Lesson 1: Initials 1
b p m f d t n l g k h
b - Completely close both lips and then release the compressed air in the mouth suddenly, keep the shape of your lips as in pronouncing "o" like b in bore but voiceless.
p - Begin as pronouncing "b". But when pronouncing "p", release the compressed air in the mouth to make an aspirated sound. like p in put, but is invariably produced with a strong puff of air.
m - It is pronounced by keeping the lips tightly closed and the soft palate drops to let the air out through the nose. Like m in money.
f - The upper front teeth touch the lower lip lightly and let the air escape between them. Like f in five.
d - Put the tongue tips against the upper teeth ridge to block the air and then put it down to release the air suddenly. Like d in door but voiceless.
t - It is pronounced in the same position for "d", but explodes with a strong puff of air. It is an aspirated equivalent of "d". like t in team.
n - When producing this sound, the tip of the tongue presses against the upper gum to completely block the air stream from the oral cavity and let the air out through the nose. Like n in need.
l - When producing this sound, the tongue tip is a little behind the position for "n" to allow the air to run out from both sides of the tongue. Like l in look.
g - Raise the root of the tongue and let it touch the soft palate so that the air stream is stopped, lower your tongue quickly and let the air out. Like g in girl but voiceless.
k - The tongue position of producing this sound is the same as "g", but explodes with a strong puff of air. Like k in kick.
h - It is pronounced by raising the back of the tongue to the soft palate to make a narrow passage for the air to be expelled with friction. Like h in heart.