Tán Tiān qì 谈 天 气 Talking about the Weather Subject When you are travelling, it is important to be able to ask about the weather. It is especially important if you are going sightseeing and want to know if you will need to bring an umbrella or jacket for your outing. This lesson focuses on weather related words, to help you find out what the weather will be like on your trips. 重点词 Key Words 天气 tiān qì n. weather 雨 yǔ n. rain 雾 wù n. fog 刮风 guā fēng v. blow of the wind 热 rè adj. hot 下 xià v. fall(of rain, snow, etc.) 度 dù m. unit of measurement for temperature
会话示例 Dialogue Key Sentences:
1)Míng tiān tiān qì zěn me yàng? 明 天 天 气 怎 么 样? What will the weather be like tomorrow?
2)jīn tiān bú shì hěn lěng yě bú shì hěn rè。 今 天 不 是 很 冷 也 不 是 很 热。 It's neither too cold nor too hot today.
3)Míng tiān yǒu dà yǔ, huì hěn lěng. 明 天 有 大 雨,会 很 冷。 It will rain heavily tomorrow and will be very cold.
4)Jīn tiān xià wù le, wù hǎi tǐng dà de. 今 天 下 雾 了,雾 还 挺 大 的。 It's foggy today, and the fog is quite heavy.
((Two friends are chatting while having their meal.))
jīn tiān tiān qì hěn yí rén。 A: 今 天 天 气 很 怡 人。 The weather is very nice today.
Shì a, jīn tiān duō shao dù? B: 是 啊,今 天 多 少 度? Yes, it is. What’s the temperature today?
èr shí qī dù ,hěn shū fú 。 A: 二 十 七 度 ,很 舒 服 。 Twenty-seven degrees, pretty comfortable.
Shì a, bú rè yě bù lěng, wǒ xiǎng qù dǎ yǔ máo qiú 。 B:是 啊,不 热 也 不 冷, 我 想 去 打 羽 毛 球。 Yes, neither hot nor cold. I want to play badminton.
Wǒ yě xiǎng qù. A: 我 也 想 去。 So do I.
Ⅱ Míng tiān tiān qì zěn me yàng? A: 明 天 天 气 怎 么 样? What will be the weather like tomorrow?
míng tiān yǒu dà yǔ ,huì hěn lěng 。 B: 明 天 有 大 雨 ,会 很 冷 。 It’s going to rain and will be very cold.
Míng tiān hěn lěng? A: 明 天 很 冷? Very cold?
Shì a , jì děi qù shàng kè yào dài shàng sǎn 。 B:是 啊, 记 得 去 上 课 要 带 上 伞。 Yes, don’t forget to carry an umbrella to school.
(In the morning, people come to the office one after another, talking about the weather.)
Zǎo shang hǎo ! A: 早 上 好 ! Good morning!
Zǎo shang hǎo . Jīn tiān xià wù le. B:早 上 好 。今 天 下 雾 了。 Morning! It is foggy today.
Shì a, wù hái mán dà de, kāi chē yào hěn xiǎo xīn. A:是 啊,雾 还 蛮 大 的,开 车 要 很 小 心。 Yes, it is very foggy actually. You should drive very carefully.
Míng tiān jiù hǎo le, míng tiān guā fēng. C:明 天 就 好 了, 明 天 刮 风。 Tomorrow it will be better – it’ll be windy.
Ér qiě hái yǒu dà fēng. D: 而 且 还 有 大 风。 Moreover it’ll be gusty actually.