在邮局大厅内,一位老太太走到一个中年人跟前,客气地说“先生,请帮我在明信片上写上地址好吗?”“当然可以。”中年人按老人的要求做了。老太太又说:“再帮我写上一小段话,好吗?谢谢!”“好吧。” 中年人照老太太的话写好着问到:“还有什么要帮忙的吗?” “恩,还有一件小事。”老太太看着明信片说,“帮我再下面再加一句"字迹潦草敬请原谅。
In the hall of post office, an old lady went towards a middle—aged man and said politely “Excuse me, sir. Could you help me write the address on the postcard?” “sure.” the man did as the old lady told to. Then the lady said “Thank you, could you help me again to write a few sentences on it .” "No problem.” After finish what the lady asked for, the middle—aged man said “Is there anything else that I can do for you? "yes, just a little more "the old lady looked at the postcard said,“ please added ‘sorry for the legible script ’at the bottom.”