Some humorous stories in learning Chinese
To foreigners, learning Chinese is something difficult. And they are always curious and puzzled by some Chinese expressions, so they may easily make some funny mistakes when they are learning Chinese. Here are some interesting ones that for foreign learners to pay attention to when they are learning. But on the other hand, one can improve his ability by making mistakes. Hope you can learn Chinese very well through your hard-working. Wish you success!
望文生意 Judging the meaning according the structure of the word
洋人:“你们中国人的确是一个勤奋的民族。” 中国人:“怎见得?” 洋人:“每当我早晨经过街道,常常可以看到路旁的招牌写着‘早点’两个大字,提醒过路上班的人,不要迟到。”
Foreigner: “Chinese are indeed an industrious people.” Chinese: “why do you say so?” Foreigner: “every morning when I walking along the street, I can always see the signboard writes two big words‘zao dian’(in English it means breakfast) to remind the passers-by not to be late for work.”
打架三次 Fighting for three times
An American goes back and is invited to talk about his feeling about China. He says: “In China, you have to fight for three times to have a dinner.” He explains: “On entering the restaurant, the host and the gust begin to fight to let the other sit first. Then they fight for dishes. And in the end they fight to pay for the meal.”
A foreign student in China takes part in a ‘Mandarin Speech Test.’ He begins his speech by saying: “Ladies and gentlemen, first of all, please allow me to make an apology that my Mandarin is poor. My relation with Chinese is what my relation with my wife. I love it very much, but I just cannot control it.
外国人的好与更好GoodandBetter两句中国话:“很好”、“更好”。 一天,仆人说:“我要请假两星期。” 外国人说:“很好。” 仆人说:“因为我父亲死了。” 外国人说:“更好。”
There is a foreigner, who comes China not long ago, can only speak two Chinese sentences: “good” and “better.”
One day, his servant says to him: “I have to leave for two weeks.”
He answers: “good.”
The servant says: “because my father’s dead.”
He again answers: “better.”
中国太奇妙了 China is Amazing
After visiting China, an American friend tells the interpreter: “China is amazing, especially in literature. For example, ‘Chinese team is in charge of the American team’ means Chinese win; and American team is in the charge of Chinese team’ also means Chinese win. All in all, victory always belongs to you.” 处处都漂亮 Everywhere is beautiful
一位外国朋友不知道中国人的“哪里 !哪里 !”是自谦词。一次他参加一 对年轻华侨的婚礼时,很有礼貌地赞美新娘非常漂亮,一旁的新郎代新娘说了声“哪 里!哪里!”不料,这位朋友却吓了一大跳!想不到笼统地赞美,中国人还不过瘾,还需举例说明,于是便用生硬的中国话说:“ 头发、眉毛、眼睛、耳朵、鼻子、嘴、都漂亮!” 结果引起全场哄堂大笑。
A foreigner doesn’t know that the Chinese words “where” is used to show modest. And one day he attends a Chinese wedding, saying high that the bride is very beautiful. The groom says: “where, where”, which in Chinese means “thank you, she’s not so beautiful” as in a modest and polite way. Whereas, the foreigner is scared and he thinks that he has to explain, so he says with a rigid Chinese: “the hair, the eyebrow, eyes, ears, the nose, and the mouth, all of them are beautiful.” This causes all people present to burst a laughter.
“吻 ”字新义 The new meaning for the word “kiss” 美国青年比利学习中文。当学到“吻”这个字 时,比利提出了疑问:“吻字会 意就是‘ 勿 ’,‘ 口’不 动口如何接吻?” 有人想了想,笑着回答:“中国人个性比较含蓄,‘ 勿 ’‘ 口’ 就是‘不必 说话’ 的意思。 “ 你接吻的时候,会说话吗?”
An American young man Billy is learning Chinese. When he learning the word “kiss”, he is confused and raise a question: “the word in Chinese is compose of two words—‘wu’ which means ‘not’ and ‘kou’ which means ‘mouth’. So the structure of the word means kiss without mouth. So how can you do it? ” Someone smiles and answers: “Chinese are modest. ‘Not mouth’ means ‘don’t talk when you are kissing. ” “So will you speak when you are kissing?”