yī yǎn kàn zhòng 一 眼 看 中 Only One Eye to Settle On
gū niáng zhǎo dào méi rén,shuō :“nǐ qī piàn le wǒ 。tā de yī zhī yǎn 姑 娘 找 到 媒 人, 说 :“你 欺 骗 了 我。 他 的 一 只 眼
shì jiǎ yǎn ,nǐ yǐ qián wèi shén me bù gào sù wǒ ?” 是 假 眼,你 以 前 为 什 么 不 告 诉 我 ?”
“zěn me méi gào sù nǐ ?”méi rén yě bù gān shì ruò , “怎 么 没 告 诉 你 ?”媒 人 也 不 甘 示 弱,
“nǐ men dì yī huí jiàn miàn hòu ,wǒ jiù shuō , “你 们 第 一 回 见 面 后 ,我 就 说,
tā yī yǎn jiù kàn zhòng nǐ le 。” 他 一 眼 就 看 中 你 了 。”
The girl found the matchmaker and said, "You cheated me ! One of his eyes
is not true. Why didn't you tell me that before ?"
"I have told you. " said the matchmaker with justice on his side, When you
met first, I told you that he settled on you with one eye.
Yeah, maybe you are confused now, what is the joke make sense of ? To
understand the humorous point in this story, you should know the word “一
眼(yi yan)”. The phrase has two meanings, one is with one eye, the
other is at the first sight.
This story told us that the matchmaker introduced a man to a girl .The
girl finally found that one eye of the man was not true. She went to asked
the matchmaker why he didn’t tell her about this before.The matchmaker
answer: 你 们 第 一 回 见 面 后,他 一 眼 就 看 中 你 了。There are
two meanings of this sentences. One means that When you met first he
settled on you with the first sight. The other one is that When you met
first he settled on you with one eye. In fact the matchmaker did cheat the
girl, but the girl can’t complain the matchmaker any more. And how can we
use this phrase? For example, if you like something so much at the first
sight when shoping , you can tell your friend: 我一眼就看中它了!(wǒ yī
yǎn jiù kàn zhòng tā le!)