独立语 the detached phrase The detached phrase is structurally not related to any other part of the sentence in which it appears. It is often used to express a subjective point of view or attitude, to make a attitude, to make a speculation, assessment, explanation, or illustration, or to call attention to something. The expression “总的来说”, “大家都知道” , and “ 重要的是” in this lesson, as well as “ 我看”, and “比如说” from the previous lesson, are all examples of detached phrases. They may be placed at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence, for example, 大家都知道,中国的封建社会有两千多年的历史。 总的来说,家务事儿妇女要比男人干得多了。 中国的经济虽然发展得很快,但总的来说,中国还是发展中国家。 重要的是,男女都应该有公平竞争的机会。 一般地说,妇女只有社会地位提高了,在家庭里的地位才能提高。