Be Cautious / Careful V / Adj. 小心
The usage of小(xiǎo) 心(xīn) 小心can be used either as a verb or an adjective depending on the context. It can be followed by an object when it is used as a verb, and the object can be a noun phrase, a verb phrase or a clause. Normally, it doesn’t need to have a subject in an imperative sentence.
Sentence pattern: 小心 + Obj.
Examples: 1, Handle with care! 小(xiǎo) 心(xīn) 轻(qīng) 放(fàng) 。
2, Be careful with your passport and valuable things when you are travelling. 旅(lǚ) 行(xíng) 的(de) 时(shí) 候(hòu) ,小(xiǎo) 心(xīn) 你(nǐ) 的(de) 护(hù) 照(zhào) 和(hé) 贵(guì) 重(zhòng) 物(wù) 品(pǐn) 。
小心 can also be used as an adjective.
Sentence pattern: Subj. + (Adv.) + 小心
Example: 3, She was very careful when she exchanged foreign money at the bank. 她(tā) 在(zài) 银(yín) 行(háng) 兑(duì) 换(huàn) 外(wài) 币(bì) 的(de) 时(shí) 候(hòu) 很(hěn) 小(xiǎo) 心(xīn) 。
A: 小心 as a verb: Care about the wine you drink, Chinese wine is different from beer. 中(zhōng) 国(guó) 的(de) 白(bái) 酒(jiǔ) 喝(hē) 啤(pí) 酒(jiǔ) 不(bù) 一(yí) 样(yàng) ,小(xiǎo) 心(xīn) 别(bié) 喝(hē) 多(duō) 了(le) 。
Remember to care about everything. Danger is everywhere! 小(xiǎo) 心(xīn) 点(diǎn) ,到(dào) 处(chù) 都(dōu) 有(yǒu) 危(wēi) 险(xiǎn)。
B: 小心 as an adjective Be careful when you cross the road. 当(dàng) 你(nǐ) 横(héng) 穿(chuān) 马(mǎ) 路(lù) 时(shí) 一(yí) 定(dìng) 要(yào) 小(xiǎo) 心(xīn) 。
He is careful in his speech. 他(tā) 说(shuō) 话(huà) 小(xiǎo) 心(xīn) 谨(jǐn) 慎(shèn) 。