Have A and B, Also Have C 有...,也有...,还有...
The usage of it: 有(yǒu), as a verb, can be used consecutively to list two or more things or activities that are existing or happening. It often represents the whole thing or event by putting every item together.
Sentence patter: Topic + Subj. + 有A,也有B,还有C
Examples: 1, Among my Chinese friends, some of them are Pekingese, some are Shanghainese, an some are Cantonese. 我(wǒ) 的(de) 中(zhōng) 国(guó) 朋(péng) 友(yǒu) 中(zhōng) 有(yǒu) 北(běi) 京(jīng) 人(rén) ,也(yě) 有(yǒu) 上(shàng) 海(hǎi) 人(rén) ,还(hái) 有(yǒu) 广(guǎng) 州(zhōu) 人(rén) 。
2. We have both Chinese and western-style foods for dinner tonight. We will also do Karaoke after dinner. 今(jīn) 天(tiān) 的(de) 晚(wǎn) 宴(yàn) 有(yǒu) 中(zhòng) 餐(cān) ,也(yě) 有(yǒu) 西(xī) 餐(cān) ,饭(fàn) 后(hòu) 还(hái) 有(yǒu) 卡(kǎ) 拉(lā) OK。
3, Somebody is speaking, somebody is doing the translation, and somebody is keeping minutes during the meeting. 开(kāi) 会(huì) 的(de) 时(shí) 候(hòu) ,有(yǒu) 人(rén) 讲(jiǎng) 话(huà) ,也(yě) 有(yǒu) 人(rén) 翻(fān) 译(yì) ,还(hái) 有(yǒu) 人(rén) 记(jì) 录(lù)。
4, There are Chinese goods, American goods and Japanese goods in this shop. 这(zhè) 家(jiā) 商(shāng) 店(diàn) 里(lǐ) ,有(yǒu) 中(zhòng) 国(guó) 货(huò) ,也(yě) 有(yǒu) 美(měi) 国(guó) 货(huò) ,还(hái) 有(yǒu) 日(rì) 本(běn) 货(huò) 。
5, There are wholesalers, retailers and advertisers presenting at the product exhibition. 商(shāng) 品(pǐn) 展(zhǎn) 示(shì) 会(huì) 上(shàng) 有(yǒu) 批(pī) 发(fā) 商(shāng) ,也(yě) 有(yǒu) 零(líng) 售(shòu) 商(shāng) ,还(hái) 有(yǒu) 广(guǎng) 告(gào) 商(shāng) 。