First … Then … Finally 首先...接着...最后
The usage of首(shǒu) 先(xiān) ...接(jiē) 着(zhe) ...最(zuì) 后(hòu) They are used here as a group of conjunction words to connect these or more events or actions in order. Note that 首先, 接着or 最后, as conjunction word, can be placed before the subject or at the beginning of each clause which is different from the usage of先(xiān) ...再(zài) ...然(rán) 后(hòu).
Examples: 1, Firstly, David introduced himself. After that he delivered a speech representing the American company. Finally, he took pictures with the managers. 大(dà) 卫(wèi) 首(shǒu) 先(xiān) 介(jiè) 绍(shào) 自(zì) 己(jǐ) ,接(jiē) 着(zhe) 他(tā) 代(dài) 表(biǎo) 美(měi) 国(guó) 公(gōng) 司(sī) 讲(jiǎng) 话(huà) ,最(zuì) 后(hòu) 他(tā) 和(hé) 经(jīng) 理(lǐ) 们(men) 照(zhào) 相(xiàng) 。
2, We will firstly go to Beijing, then Shanghai, finally New York of the US. 我(wǒ) 们(men) 首(shǒu) 先(xiān) 去(qù) 北(běi) 京(jīng) ,接(jiē) 着(zhe) 到(dào) 上(shàng) 海(hǎi) ,最(zuì) 后(hòu) 去(qù) 美(měi) 国(guó) 纽(niǔ) 约(yuē) 。
3, Firstly, we enter the country, then, go and find a hotel, finally sent a fax. 我(wǒ) 们(men) 首(shǒu) 先(xiān) 入(rù) 关(guān) ,接(jiē) 着(zhe) 去(qù) 找(zhǎo) 宾(bīn) 馆(guǎn) ,最(zuì) 后(hòu) 发(fèi) 传(chuán) 真(zhēn) 。
4, Firstly, we welcome Mr. Li to give us a speech. After that we welcome he to give us an introduction. Finally, board members will have a discussion. 首(shǒu) 先(xiān) ,我(wǒ) 们(men) 欢(huān) 迎(yíng) 李(lǐ) 先(xiān) 生(shēng) 讲(jiǎng) 话(huà) ,接(jiē) 着(zhe) ,请(qǐng) 他(tā) 作(zuò) 介(jiè) 绍(shào) ,最(zuì) 后(hòu) 董(dǒng) 事(shì) 们(men) 讨(tǎo) 论(lùn) 一(yī) 下(xià) 。