As Early As… adv. 就
The usage of就(jiù) 就(jiù) is used here to emphasize something happened a long time ago. 就(jiù) must be placed after time word or other adverbial phrased but before the verb.
Examples: 1, He wanted to go to China ever since his childhood. 他(tā) 从(cóng) 小(xiǎo) 就(jiù) 想(xiǎng) 去(qù) 中(zhōng) 国(guó) 。
2, The CEO gave the company’s development plan to the board members last month. 总(zǒng) 裁(cái) 上(shàng) 个(gè) 月(yuè) 就(jiù) 把(bǎ) 公(gōng) 司(sī) 的(de) 发(fā) 展(zhǎn) 计(jì) 划(huà) 给(gěi) 董(dǒng) 事(shì) 们(men) 了(le) 。
3, David wanted to go to Beijing for business since last year. 大(dà) 卫(wèi) 去(qù) 年(nián) 就(jiù) 想(xiǎng) 去(qù) 北(běi) 京(jīng) 做(zuò) 生(shēng) 意(yì) 了(le) 。
4, As soon as his mother received the massage, she called us. 他(tā) 妈(mā) 妈(mɑ) 一(yī) 接(jiē) 到(dào) 消(xiāo) 息(xī) 就(jiù) 给(gěi) 我(wǒ) 们(men) 打(dǎ) 电(diàn) 话(huà) 了(le) 。
5, He sent us fax immediately after he arrived in Beijing this morning. 他(tā) 今(jīn) 早(zǎo) 一(yí) 到(dào) 北(běi) 京(jīng) 就(jiù) 给(gěi) 我(wǒ) 们(men) 发(fā) 了(le) 传(chuán) 真(zhēn) 。