Let / Allow 让
The usage of让(ràng) 让(ràng) here must have an object that also serves as the subject for the following action. The usage of让(ràng) here usually refers to suggestion, causation or allowance.
Sentence pattern: 让(ràng) + somebody + V.
Examples: 1, You may ask the clerk to help you fill out these forms. 您(nín) 可(kě) 以(yǐ) 让(ràng) 营(yíng) 业(yè) 员(yuán) 帮(bāng) 您(nín) 填(tián) 写(xiě) 这(zhèi) 些(xiē) 表(biǎo) 格(gé) 。
2, The hotel allows me to send e-mail in my room. 宾(bīn) 馆(guǎn) 让(ràng) 我(wǒ) 在(zài) 房(fáng) 间(jiān) 里(lǐ) 发(fā) 电(diàn) 子(zǐ) 邮(yóu) 件(jiàn) 。
3, David asked Mary to help him exchange US dollars for Japanese yen. 大(dà) 卫(wèi) 让(ràng) 玛(mǎ) 丽(lì) 帮(bāng) 他(tā) 把(bǎ) 美(měi) 元(yuán) 换(huàn) 成(chéng) 日(rì) 元(yuán) 。
4, Smoking is not allowed in a public place. 公(gōng) 共(gòng) 场(chǎng) 所(suǒ) 不(bù) 让(ràng) 抽(chōu) 烟(yān) 。
5, The company allowed him to live in a fore-start hotel. 公(gōng) 司(sī) 让(ràng) 他(tā) 住(zhù) 在(zài) 四(sì) 星(xīng) 级(jí) 酒(jiǔ) 店(diàn) 。