Runs out Amazon(Chinese: 冲出亚马逊 Pinyin: chōng chū yà mǎ xùn) 2001
"Runs out Amazon" is reorganized as a modern military movement piece by 81 motion picture studios according to the actual events –. The content of the movie is not certainly complex: In the crowd of special troops, two Chinese are left over four qualified students after three-month-long devil trainings. And they keep the national flag of China flying in the wind.
The film is directed by Song Yeming. It gives the "commando trained" a new idea. And Amazon's exotic scenery at the big screen brings a special feeling.
《冲出亚马逊》是由八一电影制片厂根据真人真事改编拍摄的一部现代军事动作片。这部影片的内容并不复杂:一群特种兵,两个中国人, 三个月的魔鬼训练,剩下四个合格的学员。他们让祖国国旗保持在风中高高飘扬。 这部电影由宋业明执导。它赋予“特种训练”一个全新的概念,而亚马逊的异国风情也在银屏上给予观众不一样的感受。