徽 菜
徽菜系又称“徽帮”、“安徽风味”,是中国著名的八大菜系之一 徽菜的原料,由于资源丰富、质地优良、取之不尽用之不竭。安徽地处华东腹地,气候温和雨量适中,四季分明、物产丰盈,皖南山区和大别山区盛产茶叶、竹笋、香菇、木耳、板栗、山药和石鸡、石鱼、石耳、甲鱼、鹰龟、果子狸等山珍野味,著名的“祁红”、“屯绿”是驰名于世的安徽特产;长江、淮河、巢湖是中国淡水鱼的重要产区,为徽菜提供了鱼、虾、蟹、鳖、菱、藕、莲、芡等丰富的水产资源。其中长江鲥鱼、淮河肥王鱼、巢湖银鱼、大闸蟹等都是久负盛名的席上珍品;辽阔的淮北平原、肥沃的江淮、江南圩区盛产各种粮、油、蔬果、禽畜、蛋品,例如,砀山酥梨、萧县葡萄、涡阳苔干、大和椿芽、宣城蜜枣、安庆豆酱等都是早已蜚声中外,给徽菜的形成和发展提供了良好的物质基础。 徽菜的传统品种多达千种以上,其风味包含皖南、沿江、沿淮三种地方菜肴的特色。皖南以徽州地区的菜肴为代表,是徽菜的主流与渊源。其主要特点是喜用火腿佐味,以冰糖提鲜,善于保持原料的本味、真味,口感以咸、鲜、香为主,放糖不觉其甜。沿江风味盛行于芜湖、安庆及巢湖地区,以烹调河鲜、家禽见长,讲究刀功,注重形色,善于以糖调味,擅长烧、炖、蒸和烟熏技艺,其菜肴具有清爽、酥嫩、鲜醇的特色。沿淮菜是以黄河流域的蚌埠、宿县、阜阳的地方菜为代表,擅长烧、炸、熘等烹调技法,爱以芫荽、辣椒调味配色,其风味特点是咸、鲜、酥脆、微辣,爽口,极少以糖调味。 其总体风格是:清雅纯朴、原汁原味、酥嫩香鲜、浓淡适宜,并具有选料严谨、火工独到、讲究食补、注重本味、菜式多样、南北咸宜的共同特征。 徽菜的烹饪技法,包括刀工、火候和操作技术,徽菜之重火工是历来的优良传统,其独到之处集中体现在擅长烧、炖、熏、蒸类的功夫菜上,不同菜肴使用不同的控火技术是徽帮厨师造诣深浅的重要标志,也是徽菜能形成酥、嫩、香、鲜独特风格的基本手段,徽菜常用的烹饪技法约有20大类50余种,其中最能体现徽式特色的是滑烧、清炖和生熏法。 徽菜经过近千年的发展,不仅拥有一大批脍炙人口的名菜名点、美味佳肴,还涌现一批著名的餐馆。如合肥的黄山徽菜馆、淮上酒家、合肥饭店、逍遥酒家、庐州烤鸭店、华侨饭店;蚌埠的金山饭店、淮河餐厅;芜湖的同庆楼、耿福兴、马义兴(回族)菜馆、镜湖餐厅、丰富酒家;安庆的京津菜馆、新兴餐厅、江万春饼面馆;淮北的上海餐厅;铜陵的同乐酒楼;黄山的屯溪徽菜馆;阜阳的凤凰酒楼、亳州的皖北饭庄;全椒的望屏楼等。 著名的菜肴有:符离集烧鸡 火腿炖甲鱼 腌鲜桂鱼 火腿炖鞭笋 雪冬烧山鸡 红烧果子狸 奶汁肥王鱼 毛峰熏鲥鱼 生仔鸡 安徽菜英语介绍 Anhui Cuisine Anhui cuisine (Hui Cai for short), one of the eight most famous cuisines in China, features the local culinary arts of Huizhou. It comprises the specialties of South Anhui, Yanjiang and Huai Bei. The highly distinctive characteristic of Anhui cuisine lies not only in the elaborate choices of cooking materials but also in the strict control of cooking process. Most ingredients in Anhui cuisine, such as pangolin, stone frog, mushroom, bayberry, tea leaves, bamboo shoot, dates, games, etc., are from mountain area. Huangshan Mountain has abundant products for dish cooking. Huangshan Chukka has tender flesh and a sweet taste. It can be boiled in clear soup or braised in soy sauce. The dishes help relieve internal fever and build up vital energy. The white and tender bamboo shoots produced on Huangshan Mountain can be made into very delicious food. Xianggu, a kind of top-grade mushroom grows on old trees, is also very tasty. Anhui cuisine chefs pay more attention to the taste, color of dishes and the temperature to cook them, and are good at braising and stewing. They are experts especially in cooking delicacies from mountains and sea. Anhui dishes preserve most of the original taste and nutrition of the materials. Generally the food here is slightly spicy and salty. Some master dishes usually stewed in brown sauce with stress on heavy oil and sauce. Ham is often added to improve the taste and sugar candy added to gain freshness. High up on the menu are stewed soft shell turtle with ham, Huangshan braised pigeon, steamed stone frog, steamed rock partridge, stewed fish belly in brown sauce, bamboo shoots cooked with sausage and dried mushroom, etc. 1. Stewed soft shell turtle with ham One whole soft shell turtle, pork, ham, bamboo shoots, a clove of garlic, shallot, ginger, soy sauce, salt, rice wine, black pepper, lard are all stewed together in a pot on charcoal fire. The dish is not greasy and can lead diners to endless aftertastes. 2. Steamed stone frog Inhabited in caves, stone frog is a special product in Huangshan Mountain. It weights 250 grams or so, whose belly is white and back black with stripe. Stone frog is rich in protein, calcium and so on. It has the functions of clearing heat, improving vision and nutrition. It is one of the best exotic dishes from mountains. 3. Bamboo shoots cooked with sausage and dried mushroom It is one traditional flavor in Huizhou mountainous area. Cooked with sausage and dried mushrooms, the bamboo shoots are more fragrant. It is delicious, and noted for its good color, juicy meat and thick soup. 4. Li Hongzhang Hotchpotch Li Hongzhang hotchpotch is a popular dish named after one of Anhui's famous personages. Li Hongzhang was a top official of the late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911 AD). When he was in office, he paid a visit to the US and hosted a banquet for all his American friends. As the specially prepared dishes continued to flow, the chefs, with limited resources, began to fret. Upon Li Hongzhang's order, the remaining kitchen ingredients were thrown together into an impromptu stew, containing sea cucumber, squid, tofu, ham, mushroom, chicken meat and other less identifiable food materials! Thus appetites were quenched and a dish was created.