Jiangsu Cuisine
Jiangsu Cuisine developed from the local recipes of Yangzhou, Suzhou and Nanjing. Its main cooking techniques are braising and stewing, thereby enhancing the original flavor and sauce. The elegant color, novel sculpts, with salt and sweet taste will soothe your stomach. The Jiangsu cuisine has several branches, including Shanghai cuisine, Nanjing cuisine is known for its duck recipes, Suxi cuisine with flowery hue, etc. the most highly recommended courses are: Three sets of ducks - an interlinking dish, that is to put pigeon into wild duck, then put the wild duck into a fowl duck. When stewed, the fowl duck is tender, the wild one crisp, and the little pigeon delicate!
Boiled dry thread of Tofu - thanks to the exquisite skill of the chefs, the Tofu can be cut into very thin threads which have chances to absorb the savor of soup. When chicken pieces added to the soup, the dish is called 'chicken dry thread'; likewise, when shrimp added, it makes 'shrimp dry thread'.
Lion's head braised with crab-powder - there is a metaphor in the dish name. In actual fact the Lion's head is a conglomeration of meat that is shaped like a sunflower and resembles a lion's head. It can be braised in a clear soup, or be red-cooked in a dense soup. A seasoning of crab powder enhances the flavor
江苏菜主要由扬州菜,苏州菜和南京菜组成。主要的烹饪方法有烧和炖,从而保证了菜的原汁原味。江苏菜优美的色泽,新奇的造型,又咸又甜的味道一定会让你垂涎三尺。江苏菜有几个分支,其中有上海菜,以鸭肉著称的南京菜,以及色泽艳丽的苏锡菜等等。最值得推荐的菜主要有: 三套鸭—一道相互串联的菜。先把鸽子放入野鸭腹内,然后再把野鸭放入家鸭腹内。炖好了以后,家鸭肥嫩,野鸭鲜香,菜鸽鲜嫩。