花儿为什么这样红? Why are flowers so red?
歌曲简介 The Synopsis of the Song
这首歌曲是20世纪60年代的影片《冰山上的来客》中的插曲,定慧寺红遍全国各地,至今流传不衰。歌曲通过比喻,歌颂了美丽的青春,歌颂了纯洁的友谊和爱情。歌曲曲调悠扬,舒缓而感人,成为中国流行歌曲的经典之作。 It is a song in the film The Visitor Comes from the Iceberg in 1960s. It was very popular throughout the country at that time, and it is still sung by the Chinese people today. The song sings the praises of beautiful youth, pure friendship and love through figures of speech. The melody is enchanting and slow in tempo. The song is very moving, and it became a popular classic song in China.
歌词 Lyrics
huā ér wéi shí me zhè yàng hóng? 花儿为什么这样红? Why are flowers so red?
wéi shí me zhè yàng hóng? 为什么这样红? Why so red?
āi ,hóng dé hǎo xiàng ,hóng dé hǎo xiàng rán shāo de huǒ , 哎,红得好像,红得好像燃烧的火, Oh, so red, as intense burning flames.
tā xiàng zhēng zhe chún jié de yǒu yì hé ài qíng 。 它象征着纯洁的友谊和爱情。 It stands for pure friendship and love.
huā ér wéi shí me zhè yàng xiān? 花儿为什么这样鲜? Why are flowers so bright?
wéi shí me zhè yàng xiān? 为什么这样鲜? Why so bright?
āi ,xiān dé shǐ rén ,xiān dé shǐ rén bú rěn lí qù , 哎,鲜得使人,鲜得使人不忍离去, Oh, so bright! People can’t tear themselves away from the brightness.
tā shì yòng le qīng chūn de xuè yè lái jiāo guàn 。 它是用了青春的血液来浇灌。 Their brightness has been fostered by the blood of youth.
生词 New Words&Phrases
燃烧 rán shāo adj. burning 纯洁 chún jié adj. pure 爱情ài qíng n. love 鲜 xiān adj. bright, fresh 不忍 bú rěn v. can`t bear 离去 lí qù v. to leave 青春 qīng chūn n. youth 血液 xuè yè n. blood 浇灌 jiāo guàn v. to foster, to irrigate