nǐ yǒu 《shí jiān jiǎn shǐ 》méi 你 有《时 间 简 史》没 Do you have 《A Brief History Of Time》?
ā shuǎng :“nǐ yǒu 《shí jiān jiǎn shǐ 》méi ?” 阿 爽 :“你 有 《时 间 简 史 》没 ?” xiǎo míng tīng le hěn shēng qì ,nù dào :“méi yǒu !!yǒu 小 明 听 了 很 生 气 ,怒 道 :“没 有 !!有 shí jiān gàn shá bù hǎo !!fēi yào jiǎn shén me shǐ !!!!!” 时 间 干 啥 不 好 !!非 要 捡 什 么 屎 !!!!!”
A shuang asked: “Do you have 《A Brief History Of Time》?” Hearing this Xiao ming was very angry and said loudly: “ No!! I have time to do other thing, why I should pick shit!!”
Do you know what is going on? In Chinese language, there are many words have the same sound but different meanings.If you don’t see the characters and just listen , you will go to another meaning. As the example in the joke, 简史 and 捡屎 are the same pronunciation and different meanings.But the first one means brief history, and the second one means picking shit.