Confucius Confucius (Chinesepinyin: Kng Fz ), born in 551 BC - 479 BC, was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher, whose teachings and philosophy have deeply influenced Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese thought his life, and now his influence has spread to the whole world as more and more Confucius Institutes running in the every corner of the world.
孔子 孔夫子,生于公元前551年至公元前479年间,是中国思想家社会哲学家,他一生中其学说和理念对中国,韩国,日本和越南都有深远影响,现如今随着遍布世界每个角落的孔子学院的设立孔子的影响已经传播到了全世界。
The Analects of Confucius The Analects is a book that records the statements and actions of Confucius and his students, in which ideals about politics, education, economics are concerned, and Confuciuss comments to some specific things and people are also included in the book. It is composed of twenty sections that can be classified into about five hundred chapters, and there are approximately twenty thousand words in the book. The shortest chapter only has six words, while the longest one has three hundred. The contents and the genres of the analects are diverse, including narrating, epigram, inspiration, culture, and philosophy. To sum up, the features of the analects can be concluded are as follows: Firstly, it embodies a lot of typical Chinese cultural words that represent the essence of Confucianism, and these words appear repeatedly in the book. They are: renʣ, yi), li(), xiao(Т), junziӣ, xiaorenСˣ, tian죩, dao, de£etc. For instance, the word of ren appears 109 times, junzi 107 times, li 74 times. 论语 《论语》是一本记录孔子和他的学生们言论与行为的书,其中的观点涉及了政治,教育,经济,同时孔子对于一些特定事与人的评论也包含在这本书中。这本书由二十个部分组成约合能分为五百个章节,书中大约有两万字。书中最少的章节只有六个字,而最长的章节有三千字。《论语》的内容和体裁多种多样,包含记叙,警句,灵感,文化和哲学。 总的来说,《论语》的特点可以概括为一下几点: 首先,它表现了许多典型性的中国文化性词汇,这些词代表了儒家文化的精髓,并且这些词在书中反复出现。比如:仁 ,礼 ,孝,君子,小人,天,道,德,等等。比如说,仁这个词出现了109次,君子出现了107次,礼出现了74次。
Confucianism had been regarded as an political ethic system in ancient China. For more than two thousand years it has molded and shaped the civilization of china and exerted a profound influence upon almost one fourth of the human race. Confucianism has left the world a rich literary heritage known as the Four Books and Five Classics: The Great Learning, The Mean, The Analects, and The Mencius; Books of Change, Book of History, Book of Odes, Book of Rites, and Spring and Autumn annals. For six centuries (13131905) these four texts became the basis of the civil service examination by which scholars were selected for official posts at various levels of the government. The ethical principle of Confucianism is its discovery of the ultimate in the moral character of human relationships in which Confucius offered the solution of the ills and evils of his day. That is the well-known Five Relationships: ruler-minister, father-son, husband-wife, elder-and-younger brother, and friend-friend. The responsibilities ensuing from these relationships are mutual and reciprocal. A minister owes loyalty to his ruler, and a child filial respect to his parent. But the ruler must care for his subjects, and the parent for the child, just as Confucius said in the doctrine of reciprocity and neighborliness: Within the four seas all men are brothers. Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you. Confucius central doctrine is that of the virtue of ren. What is ren? Ren is translated variously into goodness, benevolence, humanity, and human-heartedness. In short, ren means affection and love. A man of ren loves others. Fan chi asked about ren; coufucius answered Love all men.The ethical thought of Confucius can be summed up as the following five cardinal virtues (Zhou, 2004:27) (1) ren, the will to show benevolence to others 2yi, righteousness by justice 3li, moral ways of conduct 4zhi, wisdom 5xin, faithfulness 儒家思想 在古代中国儒家思想一直被推崇为当时的一种政治理论体系。两千年以来儒家思想形成和塑造了中国的文明,并对将近25%的世界人类产生了深远的影响。 儒家思想中的四书五经给人类世界留下了丰富的文化遗产,四书:《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》;五经:《诗经》《尚书》《礼记》《周易》和《春秋》。有整整六个世纪“四书“成为了各级政府考核读书人能否进入仕途的基本教材。 The ethical principle of Confucianism is its discovery of the ultimate in the moral character of human relationships in which Confucius offered the solution the ills and evils of his day。 这就是著名的五伦:君臣、父子、兄弟、夫妇、朋友.由这五种关系演化而生的责任是相互联系贯通的。臣子对君主忠诚,子女孝敬其父母。但是君主必须关心其臣子们,父母要疼爱子女,就像孔子在互惠和睦邻友好学(just as Confucius said in the doctrine of reciprocity and neighborliness:)说里说的那样:四海之内皆兄弟,己所不欲勿施于人。 孔子的核心学说是关于“仁”的。什么是仁学?“仁”被翻译成“仁慈”,人性,人的爱心。简而言之,“仁”就是相互感染相互关爱。仁义之人爱其他人。范驰问到关于仁德问题,孔子以博爱作为回答。孔子的伦理思想可以被一下五个基本元素概括: (1)仁,向他人表达仁慈的一种愿望 (2)义,仁义公正 (3)礼,处世端正 (4)智,聪慧 (5)信,忠诚,诚实
Classic Sentences in The Analects 1 The Master said,To learn and at due times to repeat what one has learnt, is that not after all a pleasure? That friends should come to one from afar, is this not after all delightful?To remain unsoured even though one's merits are unrecognized by other, is that not after all what is expected of a gentleman? 2 The master said, At fifteen I set my heart upon learning. At thirty, I planted my feet firm upon the ground. At forty, I no longer suffered fromperplexities. At fifty, I knew what were the biddings of heaven. At sixty, I heard them with docile ear. At seventy, I could follow the dictates of my own heart; for what I destred no longer overstepped the boundaries of right. 3 The master said,Incomparable indeed was hui!A hardful of rice to eat,a gourdful of water to drink,living in a mean steer-others would have found it unendurably depressing.but to Hui's cheerfulness it made no difference at all. Incomparable indeed was Hui!
论语名言: (1) 子曰,学而时习之不亦说乎?有朋自远方来不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎? (2) 子曰,吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。 (3) 子曰,贤哉回也!一箪食,一瓢饮,在陋巷,人不堪其忧,回也不改其乐。贤哉回也!