The construction “除了…以外,还/都/也…”
“除了…以外,还/也…” expresses the idea that in addition to what has been mentioned, the content which is added later is also included. “以外” may be omitted, for example,
除了秋天以外,别的季节也可以来中国旅游, 除了喜欢画画以外,他还特别喜欢中国书法。 除了现代的新诗,她也爱看唐诗。
“除了…以外,都..…”expresses the idea of excluding what has been mentioned first, and emphasizing the homogeneity of what follows. For example, 除了这首诗以外,别的诗我都背不出来了。 除了星期六和星期日以外,我们每天上午都有汉语课。 除了不喜欢吃羊肉,她什么肉都爱吃。