Enumeration of the numbers over 10,000
In Chinese, the following characters are used to denote the basic numerical units:“个” (ones), “十” (tens), “百”(hundreds), and “千”(thousands). For the numbers from ten thousand to ten million, the character “万” is used as the basic unit. Thus, we have “万” (ten thousands),“十万”(hundred thousands), “百万”(millions), and “千万” (ten millions). For the numbers from one hundred million to one hundred billion, the character “亿”, equivalent to “万万“, is used as the basic unit. For example:
…..千 百 十 万 千 百 十 万 千 百 十 个 亿 亿 亿 万 万 万 万 ( 亿) 10009 is read as “一万0九” instead of “十千0九” 250000 is read as “二十五万” instead of “二百五十千” 1759998 is read as “一百七十五万九千九百九十八” 41683000 is read as “四千一百六十八万三千” 1290057020 is read as “十二亿九千0五万七千0二十”
(1) all the “zero” in a multiple-digit number are read as a single “零”, regardless of how many they actually are. For example,10009 is read as ‘一万零九“。 (2)the final digits that are zeros are omitted in reading as a rule. The basic numerical unit of ones “个” can be omitted, while the other units cannot. For example, 10500 is read as “一万零五百”。