After / behind Loc. ...后
The usage of后(hòu) It’s similar to 前(qián). As the antonym of 前,后can be used after a noun phrase or a verb phrase to indicate the time with the meaning of “afterwards” or “later’. If 后is used after a place word, it means “behind” the place. The subject of the sentence can be placed either before or after the phrase with后.
Sentence pattern: Subj. + NP/VP + 后 + VP
Examples: 1, I will send Manager Li an e-mail after dinner. 我(wǒ) 晚(wǎn) 饭(fàn) 后(hòu) 给(gěi) 李(lǐ) 经(jīng) 理(lǐ) 发(fà) 电(diàn) 子(zǐ) 邮(yóu) 件(jiàn) 。
2, Miss Wang will go to the bank after making a phone call. 王(wáng) 小(xiǎo) 姐(jiě) 打(dǎ) 完(wán) 电(diàn) 话(huà) 后(hòu) 去(qù) 银(yín) 行(háng) 。
3, The board members of the company will have dinner together after the meeting. 会(huì) 后(hòu) ,公(gōng) 司(sī) 的(de) 董(dǒng) 事(shì) 一(yì) 起(qǐ) 吃(chī) 饭(fàn) 。
4, My mother will go dancing after dinner. 我(wǒ) 妈(mā) 妈(mɑ) 吃(chī) 完(wán) 晚(wǎn) 饭(fàn) 后(hòu) 去(qù) 跳(tiào) 舞(wǔ) 。
5, I will give you a call after I arrive in Beijing, 我(wǒ) 到(dào) 北(běi) 京(jīng) 后(hòu) 给(gěi) 你(nǐ) 打(dǎ) 电(diàn) 话(huà) 。