jià gé shù yǔ 价格术语trade term (price term) yùn fèi 运费freight dān jià 单价 price mǎ tóu fèi 码头费wharfage zǒng zhí总值 total value xiè huò fèi 卸货费landing charges jīn é 金额 amount guān shuì关税customs duty jìng jià 净价 net price yìn huā shuì印花税stamp duty hán yōng jià 含佣价price including commission gǎng kǒu shuì港口税portdues huí yòng回佣return commission zhuāng yùn gǎng装运港port of shipment zhé kòu 折扣discount, allowance xiè huò gǎng 卸货港port of discharge pī fā jià 批发价 wholesale price mù dì gǎng 目的港port of destination líng shòu jià 零售价 retail price jìn kǒu xǔ kǒu zhèng 进口许口证import license xiàn huò jià gé 现货价格spot price hū kǒu xǔ kǒu zhèng 出口许口证export license qī huò jià gé 期货价格forward price xiàn xíng jià gé ( shí jià ) 现行价格(时价)current price prevailing price guó jì shì chǎng jià gé 国际市场价格 world (International)Market price lí àn jià 离岸价( chuán shàng jiāo huò jià )(船上交货价)FOB-free on board chéng běn jiā yùn fèi jià 成本加运费价C&F-cost and freight dào àn jià到岸价CIF-cost, insurance and freight yī qiè xiǎn一切险All Risks píng ān xiǎn 平安险 F.P.A. (Free from Particular Average) shuǐ zì xiǎn 水渍险W.A. / W.P.A (With Average or With Particular Average) zhàn zhēng xiǎn 战争险War Risk dàn shuǐ yǔ lín xiǎn淡水雨淋险F.W.R.D. (Fresh Water Rain Damage) hùn zá 、diàn wū xiǎn混杂、玷污险Risk of Intermixture and Contamination shèn lòu xiǎn 渗漏险Risk of Leakage chuàn wèi xiǎn串味险Risk of Odor xiù shí xiǎn锈蚀险Risk of Rust duǎn quē xiǎn短缺险Shortage Risk tōu qiè tí huò bù zháo xiǎn偷窃提货不着险T.P.N.D. ( Theft, Pilferage & Non-delivery) bà gōng xiǎn罢工险Strikes Risk