形声字 Phonogram
Chinese characters are the combination of shape, pronunciation and meaning. Chinese characters can be divided into two categories, single characters and compound words.
Single character is like “人、手、口、目、日、月、山、水”. Compound words are consist of at least two elements, like: “江、打、花、晨、闻、圆、梦、辫”. Most of compound words belong to phonogram. According to statistics, 90% of modern Chinese characters are phonogram.
What are phonogram or pictophonetic characters? How is phonogram shaped?
Phonogram is consisting of classifier and phonetic indicator, classifier refers to meanings while phonetic indicator relates with pronunciation.
Judging from structure, there six ways that classifier and phonetic indicator are placed: Classifier left, phonetic indicator at right: 河 晴 财 购 优 征 Classifier right, phonetic indicator left: 都 切 致 胡 战 剃 Classifier above, phonetic indicator below: 空 芳 宇 爸 翠 箱 Classifier bellow, phonetic indicator above: 勇 盛 基 袋 盒 照 Classifier outside, phonetic indicator inside: 阁 固 匣 囤 赴 廷 Classifier inside, phonetic indicator outside: 闻 问 辩 辨 赢 嬴
汉字是形、音、义的结合体。从形体看,汉字可以分为两大类,一类是独体字,一类是合体字。 独体字就是只有一个组成部分的字,像“人、手、口、目、日、月、山、水”等。合体字则是由两个或两个以上的部分组合而成的,像“江、打、花、晨、闻、圆、梦、辫”等。大部分合体字都属于形声字。据统计,现代汉字中有90%都属于形声字。 那么什么是形声字?形声字有那些构造方式? 形声由表示意义类属的形旁和表示读音的声旁组成,用这种造字法造的字叫形声字。 从结构上看,形旁和声旁的组合部位主要有下面六种方式: 左形右声 河 晴 财 购 优 征 右形左声 都 切 致 胡 战 剃 上形下声 空 芳 宇 爸 翠 箱 下形上声 勇 盛 基 袋 盒 照 外形内声 阁 固 匣 囤 赴 廷 内形外声 闻 问 辩 辨 赢 嬴