郑国有个人想去买双鞋,他先比量了一下自己的脚,然后把量好的尺码於在座位上。他匆忙去到集市上,忘了带那尺码。他已经拿到鞋子,却说:“我忘记带尺码来了。”又转回家去取。等到他赶回,集市已散,他终於没有买到鞋。有人问他说:“你为什麼不用自己的脚试一试鞋子的大小呢?” 他回答说:“我宁可相信尺码,也不相信自己的脚!”
A Person from Zheng Bought Shoes
A person from Zheng wanted to buy a pair of shoes; he first took rough measurements of your own feet, and then put the result of the size on the seat. He rushed to the market only to forget to bring the size. He had already got shoes but said: "I forgot to bring the size." Then he went home again to fetch it. When he hurried back, the market had already scattered, he finally did not buy shoes. Someone asked him: "Why do not you try the shoes on their own feet to see if they fit each other?" He replied: "I would rather believe that size than my own feet!"