中国西汉的时候,有个人叫做匡衡。匡衡年轻的时候十分好学,但是他家里很穷,买不起蜡烛。匡衡晚上想读书的时候,常常因为没有灯光而发愁 。邻居家有蜡烛,晚上会有亮光,但是亮光却照不到 他的家里。后来,他想了一个办法,就在墙壁上悄悄地凿了 一 个小孔,让隔壁人家的烛光 透过来 ,每天借着小孔中微弱的光线读书。就这样,他经常学到深夜,后来成了西汉著名的学者。 “凿壁借光”这个成语是说偷借邻居家的灯光读书。后来指在艰苦的条件下坚持刻苦学习。
Stealing the Light for Study by Making a Small Hole Secretly from Neighbor's Wall
In the Western Han Dynasty there was a Chinese man named Kuang Heng. Kuang Heng was born in a poor family, but he was diligent in his study. As his family was too poor to afford to buy a candle for him, he often felt sad when evening came. Every evening he could see the candle-light from his neighbor, but the light could not reach his home. Later, an idea came to him - to secretly make a small hole in the wall and let a glimmer of light come in through the hole. This stealing light allowed him to study until late at night. When he was grown up he became a very famous scholar in the Western Han Dynasty.
The idiom “Stealing the Light for Study by Making a Small Hole Secretly from Neighbor's Wall” means to study by the light of neighbor. Now it means study under a hard condition.