Old Friend Noodle

It is a traditional Nanning dish that is over a hundred years old. It stimulates your appetite, and is one of the most popular snacks in Nanning, Guangxi. Legend goes that: a senior man went to Zhou’ teahouse everyday. One day, he caught cold and couldn’t go there. Owner of the teahouse cooked rich noodle with sauted garlic, chili, acid fermented bamboo shoots, beef, pepper, and sent it to his old friend. The old man sweated a lot after eating the rich noodle and felt much better. And that’s why old friend noodle is named. Old friend stimulates appetite and warm one up. Old friend noodle has become a symbol snack in Nanning, it’s popular among local people and tourists. Now, you can find old friend noodle everywhere in Nanning. Usually, it only costs 5 CNY, cheap and delicious.
南宁老友粉 南宁老友粉有着百年历史的美食。是广西南宁最受欢迎的美食之一。 据说,一老翁每天都光顾周记茶馆喝茶,有一天因感冒没有去茶馆,周记老板便以米粉,佐以爆香的蒜末、豆豉、辣椒、酸笋、牛肉末、胡椒粉等,煮成热米粉一碗,送予这位老友吃。老翁吃后出了一身汗,病状减轻,故由此而得"老友粉"之名。 食之开胃驱寒,深受食客欢迎而经久不衰。如今它已经成为南宁的标志性特色小吃,无论是本地市民还是外地游客都纷纷品尝.在南宁各处都可品尝到正宗的老友粉,街边的老友粉价钱都在5元上下,物美价廉,常常让人吃的汗流浃背,辣的痛快而欲罢不能。