Embroidered Ball Throwing an embroidered ball is an act of seeking marriage practiced by noble family maidens in ancient China. There is a beautiful legend about embroidered ball. 800 years ago, in the town of JingXi, there lived a poor family. The son of the family, Ah Di fell in love with a girl named Ah Xiu in the neighbor village Beautiful, kindly AhXiu also fell in love with honest and hardworking A Di. However, one day, a rich bully saw AhXiu and was attracted by her beauty. He wanted to married Ah Xiu, but AhXiu would rather to die than marry him. When the rich bully knew that AhXiu was in love with Ah Di, he came out with a plan. He bribed the government, set Ah Di into prison, and sentenced him to death. When Ah Xiu heard that Ah Di would be behead after autumn her heart was broken and cried all day long till she was blind. AhXiu began to embroider an embroidered ball for Ah Di. It was a hard work since she was blind. The needle pierced her fingers; the blood dyed the embroidered ball. When the embroidered ball was dyed by blood, the colors began even bright, the images began vivid. 81 days had pasted, the embroidered ball which contain AhXiu’s love was finished. AHXiu sold her jewelry and bribed the jailor, with her family she saw AhDiI in the dark and moist dungeon. When AhXiu taught AhDi, she found him was skin and bones. Hanging the embroidered ball to AhDI’s neck, AhXiu was so in desperation. At this time, all of a sudden, AhXiu, AhDi and their families found themselves in a flourish land where far away from the bullies. Them got married and lived a happy life with their hard work. The story went from one person to another, the embroidered ball become the mascot of the Zhuang people, as a pledge of love between lovers. Gradually, there comes sport like throwing embroidered ball. 绣球 关于绣球,在壮乡流传着一个美丽的传说。说的是在800多年前的靖西县旧州古镇下的一个小村庄里,居住着一户贫穷人家。贫穷人家的儿子阿弟爱上了邻村的姑娘阿秀。阿秀美丽漂亮、生性善良,也深深地爱上了诚实、勤劳、勇敢的阿弟。有一年春天,阿秀在一次赶圩时,被镇上一个有钱有势的恶少看上了,要娶阿秀为妻,阿秀以死相胁,坚决不从。 当恶少得知阿秀深深地爱上邻村的阿弟时,为了让阿秀死心,恶少眼珠一转,计上心来。他贿赂官府,以“莫须有”的罪名将阿弟关进地牢,并判了死刑,等待秋后问斩。阿秀听到这个消息后,似晴天霹雳,整日以泪洗面,哭瞎了双眼。 在阿秀哭瞎了双眼以后,阿秀开始为秋后就要被问斩的阿弟一针一线地缝制绣球。针扎破了手,血流在了绣球上,被血浸染以后,绣球上的花更艳了,叶更绿了,鸟更鲜活了。经过九九八十一天,载满阿秀对阿弟深深的爱恋,浸透了阿秀鲜血的绣球做好了。 在阿秀变卖了自己的首饰,买通了狱卒,在家人的陪伴下,在阴暗潮湿的地牢里摸到日思夜想、却已被折磨得骨瘦如柴的阿弟时,阿秀绝望了,摸索着从身上取出绣球戴在了阿弟的脖子上。这时,只见灵光一闪,阿秀、阿弟和家人便飘然落在远离恶魔的一处美丽富饶的山脚下。 后来,阿秀和阿弟结婚了,生了一儿一女,*着自己勤劳的双手,过上了幸福的生活。经过一传十,十传百,慢慢地绣球就成了壮乡人民的吉祥物,壮乡青年男女爱情的信物,后来也就有了抛绣球、狮子滚绣球等民间活动。 现在已经演变成为壮族男女青年表达爱情的方式。宋朱辅《溪峦丛笑》载:“俗节数日,野外男女分两双朋,各以五色彩囊豆粟,往来抛接。”