川剧变脸 Changing faces of Sichuan Opera
中国戏剧表演通常运用两种化妆方式:面具和面部油彩。变脸即演员在舞台上迅速更换面部化妆或面具,是运用在川剧艺术中塑造人物的一种特技,是揭示剧中人物内心思想感情的一种浪漫主义手法。它被认为是种经过艰苦训练才能掌握的舞台特技。 变脸是运用与川剧塑造人物形象的特技。它运用浪漫的手法,以夸张的方式揭示认为内心活动,渲染气氛,提升舞台效果。以面部的表情变化表现人物情感变化的手法主要分三种: “抹脸”------是将化妆油彩事先涂在脸的某一特定部位上--额上或眉毛,脸或鼻子,到时用手往脸上特定部位一抹,便可变成另外一种脸色。 “吹脸”------只适合于粉末状的化妆品。有的是在舞台的地面上摆一个很小的盒子,内装粉末,演员到时做一个伏地的舞蹈动作,趁机将脸贴近盒子一吹,粉末扑在脸上,立即变成另一种颜色的脸。必须注意的是:吹时闭眼、闭口、闭气。 “扯脸”------是比较复杂的一种变脸方法。它是事前将脸谱画在一张一张的绸子上,剪好,每张脸谱上都系一把丝线,再一张一张地贴在脸上。丝线则系在衣服的某一个顺手而又不引人注目的地方(如腰带上之类)。随着剧情的进展,在舞蹈动作的掩护下,一张一张地将它扯下来。面具必须贴合表演者的轮廓,以确保它们可以尽量紧密的贴在表演者的面部。从前,面具在表演后就毁掉了,如今,经过较小的修正就可以保存下来了。 “扯脸”有一定的难度。一是粘脸谱的粘合剂不宜太多,以免到时扯不下来,或者一次把所有的脸谱都扯下来。二是动作要干净利落,假动作要巧妙,能掩观众眼目。 Changing faces of Sichuan Opera Chinese opera performers mainly have two methods of makeup: masks and facial painting. The frequent on-stage change of masks or facial makeup, without the audience noticing, is a special technique, known as changing faces or faces changing. Face changing is one of the most fascinating, artistic charms of Sichuan Opera; it’s a romantic way to reveal the inner thoughts of the character. It is considered to be a kind of stunt and can be mastered only after hard training. Changing Faces is a stunt use in Sichuan Opera to shape the characters. It’s a romantic way used to exaggerate the inner feelings of characters, portray their dispositions, set off the atmosphere and improve the effects. Facial changes expressing sudden changes in the feelings of a character are mostly done in three ways: Mop: The performer painted the greasepaint on the parts where he want to change like sideburns or eyebrows, around his eyes and nose, before he was on stage; then he mops out the greasepaint when he need, thus his facial appearance is changed. Blowing Powders: This skill only fit for cosmetic powders. Sometimes, a small box with colored powers inside is hidden on the stage, the performer makes a movement to lay on the ground when he dances, the takes the opportunity to blow powders on the box, then powders on his face changes his facial appearance. When blowing, he must close his eyes, shut his mouth and holds his breath. Pulling-down masks: It’s a complex stunt; the masks are made in advance. After the masks are painted with different designs and assembled with a special transparent thread, they are pasted onto the performer's face. The threads are tied to unnoticeable places on his clothes. With the process of the play, the performer tears them down one by one under cover of dance. The special masks for "changing faces" must be made to fit the performer's face to ensure that they are pasted as close as possible to the skin. Previously, the masks were discarded after a performance, but today they can be recycled with some minor repairs. It’s of some difficulty. First, masks should not stick too firm to tear them down or tear them all off; second, the performer must be quick enough from being flashed.