词语解释:焉:怎么,how; 安慰:tocomfort; 劝慰:tocomfortsomeone,adviseandhelpsomeonetogetoverworries 佩服:admire 白白:gainwithoutpay; 乐此不疲:idiom,delightinathingandnevergettiredofit; 得意忘形:idiom,tohaveone'sheadturnedbysuccess;
边塞地区有一位老人,名叫塞翁。他养了许多马, 一天马群中忽然有一匹走失了。邻 居 们听到这事,都来安慰。塞翁见有人劝慰,笑笑说:“丢了一 匹马 损失不大,没准还会带来福气。” 过了没几天,丢了的马不仅自动回家,还带 回一匹骏马。邻居听说马自己回来了,非常佩服塞翁的预见,向塞翁祝贺。塞翁听了邻人的祝贺,反到一点高兴的样子都没有,忧虑地说:"白白得了一匹好马,不一定是什么福气,也许惹出什么麻烦来。” 塞翁的独生子,非常喜欢骑马。他每天都骑得来的俊马出游,乐此不疲。一天,他得意忘形,竟然从马背上跌下来,摔断了腿。邻居 听说,纷纷来慰问。塞翁说: “没什么,腿摔断了却保住性命,或许是福气呢。”不久,邻国大举入侵, 青年人被应征入伍,塞翁的儿子因为摔断了腿,不能去当兵。入伍的青年都战死 了, 唯有塞翁的儿子保全了性命,得以陪伴父亲.。| 塞翁失马焉知非福, 现在作为 一个习语使用 ,比喻得失无常,福祸相倚坏事在一定条件下可变为好事。庄子曾说:“祸兮福之所倚,福兮祸之所伏。”说的就是这个道理。
Bless or Bane
Among those people who lived near the border, there was a man called Sai Weng. He had a lot of horses; one day, one of the horses was lost. Heard the news, his neighbors all came to comfort him. But he said; “Couldn't it be a good thing?”
A few days latter, his horse returned horse and brought another house home.
His neighbors were quite admired him for his prediction and all came to congratulate him on that. But Sai Weng was worried: “Couldn't it be a bad thing?”
Sai Weng’s only son was fond of riding horse; he went riding with the new horse everyday.
One day, he was so carried out of himself that he fell from the horse and broke his leg. The neighbors all came to comfort him, but Sai Weng said: “A leg for a life, couldn’t it be a good thing?”
Before long, the northern tribes started a big invasion of the border regions,the youth took up arms and fought against the invaders, around the border nine out of ten men died. Sai Weng’s son escaped military service and lived with his father safe and sound.
The title of the story now uses as an idiom; it tells that gains and lost are not decided by man, fortune and misfortune sometime are convertible. Good deed and bad thing all are not absolute, under certain condition, the bad thing can draw forth good result, and the good deed also may possibly draw forth bad result
A wise saying by Lao Zi goes: Bad fortune is what good fortune leans on. Good fortune is what bad fortune hides in.