作者:苏轼(1037~1101)字子瞻,号“东坡居士”,北 宋著名文学家、书画家、散文家、诗人、词人, 豪放派词人代表。 大江东去,浪淘尽。千古风流人物。故垒西 边,人道是,三国周郎赤壁。乱石崩云, 惊涛拍岸,卷起千堆雪。 江山如画,一时多少豪杰!遥想公瑾当 年,小乔初嫁了,雄姿英发,羽扇纶巾, 谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭。 故国神游,多情应笑我,早生华发。人间如 梦,一樽还酹江月。
East flows the mighty river, Sweeping away the heroes of time past; This ancient rampart on its western shore Is Zhou Yu’s Red Cliff of three Kingdoms’ fame; Here jagged boulders pound the clouds, Huge waves tear banks apart, And foam piles up a thousand drifts of snow; A scene fair as a painting, Countless the brave men here in time gone by!
I dream of Marshal Zhou Yu his day With his new bride, the Lord Qiao’s younger daughter, Dashing and debonair, Silk-capped, with feather fan, He laughed and jested While the dread enemy fleet was burned to ashes! In fancy through those scenes of old I range. My heart overflowing, surely a figure of fun. A man gray before his time. Ah, this life is a dream, Let me drink to the moon on the river!