渔家傲 范仲淹
塞下秋来风景异. 衡阳雁去无留意. 四面边声连角起. 千嶂里. 长烟落日孤城闭.
浊酒一杯家万里. 燕然未勒归无计. 羌管悠悠霜满地. 人不寐. 将军白发征夫泪.
Tune: Pride of Fishermen
When autumn comes to the frontier, the scene looks drear, South-bound wild geese won’t stay even for a day. Uproar rises with horns blowing far and near. Walled in by peaks, smoke rises straight at sunset over isolated town with fastened gate. I hold a cup of wine, yet home is faraway. The northwest is not won and I’m obliged to stay. At the flutes’ doleful sound over frost-covered ground, None fall asleep, The general’s hair turns white and soldiers weep.