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Laozi is the name of a legendary Daoist philosopher, the alternate(交替的,轮流的) title of the early Chinese text better known in the West as the Daodejing, and the moniker(绰号,名字) of a deity(天神) in the pantheon(万神殿) of organized “religious Daoism” that arose during the later Han dynasty (25-220 CE). Laozi is the pinyin Romanization(罗马化)for the Chinese characters which mean "Old Master." Laozi is also known as Lao Tan ("Old Tan") in early Chinese sources (see Romanization systems for Chinese terms). The Zhuangzi is the first text to use Laozi as a personal name and to identify Laozi and Lao Tan. The earliest materials associated with Laozi are in the Zhuangzi’s Inner Chapters. The Outer Chapters of that work have ten logia(箴言集) in which Laozi is the main figure, four of which contain direct attacks on the Confucian virtues of ren, yi, and li that are reminiscent(令人回忆起) of passages from the Daodejing. The earliest ascription(归属) of authorship(原创作者) of the Daodejing to Laozi is in Han Feizi and the Huainanzi, but several themes(主题)from the Laozi logia of the Zhuangzi are traceable(可追踪的,可追溯的) into the Daodejing and on at least two occasions in that text Laozi counsels following dao (the Way) to possess de (virtue). Laozi became a principal figure in institutionalized(体制化,制度化) religious forms of Daoism. He was often associated with many transformations and incarnations (化身,转世)of the dao itself.
老子 老子是道家的创始人。因为《道德经》的缘故,老子其名在西方也是家喻户晓。道教于后汉时兴起,老子也是道教万神殿中其中一位天神的名字。Laozi 是汉字的拼音写法,意思是“大师”。老子在一些较早的文献史料中又叫老聃。《莊子》是第一部上面注有老子名字的书,用以区分老子和老聃。最早有关老子的史料是庄子内篇的一章。外篇有十篇是老子所说的箴言集,另外有四篇是直接抨击儒家所提倡的“仁”“义”“礼”的文章,这些很容易让人想起《道德经》中的文章。最早记述老子是《道德经》作者的书,主要是《韩非子》和《淮南子》。《莊子》中老子箴言集的几个主题可以追溯至《道德经》。在文中,老子至少有两个地方提到了要通过道来获取德。老子也成为了道教的主要代表人物。他也常被人们称作是道本身的化身。