The Yellow Emperor
The Yellow Emperor or Huangdi1 is a legendary Chinese sovereign and culture hero, included among the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. Tradition holds that he reigned from 2697–2597 BC. His cult became prominent in the late Warring States and early Han period, when he was portrayed as the originator of the centralized state, a patron of esoteric arts, a cosmic ruler, and a lord of the underworld. Traditionally credited with numerous inventions and innovations, he is regarded as the initiator of Chinese civilization and said to be the ancestor of all Huaxia Chinese.
黄帝 黄帝是中国神话里的传奇人物和最高统治者,而且位列三皇五帝之一。据说从公元前2697年到2597年的百年间一直处于他的治理之下。人们对于他的崇拜至战国末年和汉朝初年变得越来越明显,因为当时他被视作是中央集权制的创立者,深奥艺术的集大成者,天上的主宰者和地上的统治者。传说中,由于很多的发明创造都归功于他,因此他一直被视作中华文明的缔造者和所有华夏儿女的祖先。 |