缅甸 仰光
Burma Rangoon
两个大一新生去参加一个大学生聚会,一个性格开朗,一个较为拘谨. 该自我介绍时,性格开朗的那个男生说:"他是缅甸来的,所以比较腼腆."随后他举起酒杯,一饮而尽,接着说:"我是仰光来的."
Two freshmen went to a colledge student’s party, one was shy and the other was extroverted. When it was time to introduce themselves to other students, the outgoing boy said:“my friend comes from Burma, so he is a little timid”then he raised a glass of beer and took his drink at a gulp,continued:“and I’m from Rangoon”
Apparently, the boy was having a joke. No one of them comes from the country he mentioned. But why he said so?
Let’s listen to how Burma and Rangoon are pronunced in Chinese. 缅甸 Burma,仰光 Rangoon.
Now, we continue to study two Chinese words. 腼腆 shy,timid,阳光 sunlight,and we always use sunlight as an adjective to describe a man who is outgoing and extroverted.
Now, do you agree with the fact that the boy is humorous?