介词短语补语 The prepositional phrase as a complement
The preposition “自” and its object (usually a noun of place or direction) form a prepositional phrase. “自+NP” is often used, particularly in written language, as a complement after the verbs such as “寄,来,选,出,取”, for example, 中药大多取自植物、动物和矿物。 他来自中国西北农村。 这封信寄自上海。 The following are the complements that we have already learned: (1) The complement of state. 他们普通话说得很好。 (2)The complement of degree. 这件工作可把我累坏了。 (3)The directional complement. 他们从外边走进来了。 (4)The resultative complement 他晚上写汉字常常写到十点。 (5)The complement of quantity 这件衣服比那件衣服贵50块钱。 (6)他在这儿工作了半年。 (7)The action-measure complement 老师让他念了两遍课文。 (8)The potential complement 他今天做不完这些作业。 (9)The preposition phrase used as a complement 我毕业于ABC商学院。