The demonstrative pronoun “本” is used before a noun. The phrase “本+N” refers to the speaker or his work unit, organization, or workplace, for example, 本人已经向贵系提出了申请。 本校定于九月一日开学。 本公司招聘营业部经理一名。 他要找一位本地人。 In the construction “Pr\N+本+N”, “本+N” refers to the previous pronoun or noun instead of the speaker or his work unit or organization, for example, 他本人已经跟工厂签合同了。 住房问题应该由你们本单位解决。 这好像不是上海本地的货。 Sometimes “本” is equivalent to “这”, and is often used before a time word, for example, 本月一共开了两次讨论会。 定于本星期三下午二时举行职工大会。