"Topic + Comment" Structure
This structure is frequently used in Chinese. The topic of the sentence appears at the beginning of a sentence, and the following comment described the state, condition or characteristics of the preceding topic. The relationship between the two is similar to super ordinate and subordinate or whole and part.
Examples: 1, To do business in China, you have to be able to speak Chinese. 在(zài) 中(zhōng) 国(guó) 做(zuò) 生(shēng) 意(yì) 你(nǐ) 得(děi) 会(huì) 说(shuō) 中(zhōng) 文(wén) 。
2, Regarding this American product, we think it is quite good. 这(zhè) 件(jiàn) 美(měi) 国(guó) 产(chǎn) 品(pǐn) 我(wǒ) 们(men) 觉(jué) 得(dé) 不(bù) 错(cuò) 。
3, Living in a Chinese hotel, you have to show them your ID card. 在(zài) 中(zhōng) 国(guó) 住(zhù) 宾(bīn) 馆(guǎn) ,你(nǐ) 要(yào) 给(gěi) 他(tā) 们(men) 看(kàn) 你(nǐ) 的(de) 身(shēn) 份(fèn) 证(zhèng) 。
4, As the condition of our company, let’s welcome Manager Wang to give us an introduction. 公(gōng) 司(sī) 的(de) 情(qíng) 况(kuàng) ,我(wǒ) 们(men) 让(ràng) 汪(wāng) 经(jīng) 理(lǐ) 给(gěi) 我(wǒ) 们(men) 介(jiè) 绍(shào) 一(yī) 下(xià) 吧(bɑ) 。
5, When you go through the customs from Beijing, you have to fill out a value declaration 在(zài) 北(běi) 京(jīng) 入(rù) 关(guān) ,你(nǐ) 要(yào) 填(tián) 写(xiě) 申(shēn) 报(bào) 单(dān) 。
6, Creating an deposit account, you have to deal with a lot of procedures. 办(bàn) 理(lǐ) 存(cún) 款(kuǎn) 账(zhàng) 户(hù) ,有(yǒu) 很(hěn) 多(duō) 手(shǒu) 续(xù) 。