……看……(V)“depend on” 看,literally meaning "to see", is used here to express the meaning of "being decided by". It is usually modified by an adverb, such as 就,要 or 全,and must have an object.
Example: 1. 生产技术的高低得看技术人员的水平如何。 The technical competence of the production depends on our technicians. 2. 能不能成交,要看厂长的意见。 It depends on the factory director's opinion if we can make a deal or not. Substitutive drills:
提货的时间 |
得 |
看 |
你们的订单有多大。 |
能不能签合同 |
就 |
总裁的意见了。 |
今年的利润如何 |
要 |
工厂的生产效率。 |
商店的营业额 |
全 |
你们的销售网了。 | Approximate numbers Any two consecutive numbers from one to nine may be used to express approximation. Examples: 一两年 (one or /to two years) 三四个星期 (three or four weeks) 两三千人 (two or /to three thousand people) 七八十美元 (seventy or /to eighty US dollars)