At the Same Time; Simultaneously 一边 ...一边 ...
The usage of一(yī) 边(biān) ...一(yī) 边(biān) ... It is used as a pair of adverbs to connect two actions happening at the same time. 一(yī) 边(biān) is usually placed after the subject and before the verb. The two actions connected by一(yī) 边(biān) ...一(yī) 边(biān) ...can share the same subject or have two different subjects. 一(yī) 边(biān) ...一(yī) 边(biān) ... can sometimes be simplified as边(biān) ...边(biān) ...if two actions shares the same subject.
Sentence pattern: Subj. + 一 (yī) 边(biān) + VP, (Subj.) + 一(yī) 边(biān) + VP
Examples: 1, The secretary is taking notes while the CEO gives a talk. 总(zǒng) 裁(cái) 一(yī) 边(biān) 讲(jiǎng) 话(huà) ,秘(mì) 书(shū) 一(yī) 边(biān) 记(jì) 录(lù) 。
2, I am listening to music while writing email. 我(wǒ) 一(yī) 边(biān) 写(xiě) 电(diàn) 子(zǐ) 邮(yóu) 件(jiàn) ,一(yī) 边(biān) 听(tīng) 音(yīn) 乐(yuè) 。
3, Mary is talking on the phone while sending a fax. 玛(mǎ) 丽(lì) 边(biān) 打(dǎ) 电(diàn) 话(huà) 边(biān) 发(fā) 传(chuán) 真(zhēn) 。
4, Xiao Wang is interpreting while Xiao Zhang talks about business. 小(xiǎo) 张(zhāng) 一(yī) 边(biān) 谈(tán) 生(shēng) 意(yì) ,小(xiǎo) 王(wáng) 一(yī) 边(biān) 翻(fān) 译(yì) 。
5, My sister is watching TV, at the same time she is having dinner. 我(wǒ) 姐(jiě) 姐(jie) 边(biān) 看(kàn) 电(diàn) 视(shì) 边(biān) 吃(chī) 晚(wǎn) 饭(fàn) 。