Clause / VP as a modifier
In Chinese, a clause or verb phrase may be placed before a noun to serve as a modifier of the noun with的(de) in between. The clause or verb phrase embedded in a noun phrase functions as a relative clause in English. Consider the following two sentences: 1, I like the shirt. 我(wǒ) 喜(xǐ) 欢(huān) 这(zhè) 件(jiàn) 衬(chèn) 衫(shān) 。 2, My mother bought this shirt foe me in Taipei. 我(wǒ) 妈(mā) 妈(mɑ) 给(gěi) 我(wǒ) 在(zài) 台(tái) 北(běi) 买(mǎi) 了(le) 这(zhè) 件(jiàn) 衬(chèn) 衫(shān) 。
In English, we can combine the two sentences into one, and use the second sentence as a relative clause, i.e. 3, I like this shirt that my mother bought foe me in Taipei.
In Chinese, the relative clause is placed at the beginning of the noun phrase and is followed by the modifier maker的(de), as in the following example: 4, 我(wǒ) 喜(xǐ) 欢(huān) 妈(mā) 妈(mɑ) 在(zài) 台(tái) 北(běi) 给(gěi) 我(wǒ) 买(mǎi) 的(de) 这(zhè) 件(jiàn) 衬(chèn) 衫(shān) 。
The noun phrase with a clause or a VP as the modifier can be used a either a subject or an object in a sentence.
Examples: 1, Mr. Li, who is doing business in Shanghai, is my good friend. 在(zài) 上(shàng) 海(hǎi) 做(zuò) 生(shēng) 意(yì) 的(de) 李(lǐ) 先(xiān) 生(shēng) 是(shì) 我(wǒ) 的(de) 好(hǎo) 朋(péng) 友(yǒu) 。
2, Please turn in the registration form that you have filled out to the service desk. 您(nín) 填(tián) 写(xiě) 的(de) 登(dēng) 记(jì) 表(biǎo) 请(qǐng) 交(jiāo) 给(gěi) 服(fú) 务(wù) 台(tái) 。