Need / Require 需要
The usage of需(xū) 要(yào) 需(xū) 要(yào) is the synonym of要(yào) in their common meaning of necessity. However, 要(yào) has additional meanings, to indicate “want” or something will happen, whereas需(xū) 要(yào) does not has those usages, 需(xū) 要(yào) can be used as either an auxiliary verb or a verb.
1, 需(xū) 要(yào) is followed by a verb or verb phrase when it is used as an auxiliary verb.
Examples: ① I need to go to the bank. 我(wǒ) 需(xū) 要(yào) 去(qù) 银(yín) 行(háng) 。
② You are required to fill out the registration form to stay in a hotel. 住(zhù) 宾(bīn) 馆(guǎn) 需(xū) 要(yào) 填(tián) 登(dēng) 记(jì) 表(biǎo) 。
③ Do you need us to pick you up at the airport? 你(nǐ) 需(xū) 要(yào) 我(wǒ) 们(men) 去(qù) 飞(fēi) 机(jī) 场(chǎng) 接(jiē) 你(nǐ) 吗(ma) ?
2, 需(xū) 要(yào) can be followed by a noun or noun phrase when it is used as a verb. It implies the need to get something.
Examples: ① I need a single room. 我(wǒ) 需(xū) 要(yào) 一(yī) 间(jiān) 单(dān) 人(rén) 房(fáng) 。
② I need a cup of tea to recover me from the coldness. 我(wǒ) 需(xū) 要(yào) 一(yī) 杯(bēi) 热(rè) 茶(chá) 来(lái) 解(jiě) 寒(hán) 。
③ I need a car to help me move. 我(wǒ) 需(xū) 要(yào) 一(yī) 辆(liàng) 车(chē) 来(lái) 帮(bāng) 我(wǒ) 搬(bān) 家(jiā) 。