Twice-Cooked Pork, Sichuan Style
1 lb (450g) fresh boneless pork or fresh, un-cured ham 2 tbsp soybean paste 1 tbsp sweet bean sauce 3 oz (80g) scallions or garlic shoots 1/4 cup meat stock 1 tbsp vegetable oil
1. Wash the pork, drop it into boiling water to cover, and parboil for 8 minutes. Remove, drain, and cut into slices about 2 inches long by 1 1/2 inches wide and 1/4 inch thick (7 cm by 16 mm).Set aside.
2. Cut the scallions on the slant into 1 inch (3 cm) pieces. Set aside.
3.Heat the oil in a wok to very hot 356 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius).,or until smoke rises on the surface. Add the pork slices, soybean paste, sweet bean sauce, scallions or garlic shoots, and stock. Stir-fry for 5 minutes, or until the scallions are tender and the soybean paste loses its raw taste. Remove and serve.
1、450克去骨的新鲜猪肉或者未加工过的猪腿肉 2、两勺豆瓣酱 3、一汤匙甜豆酱 4、80克香葱或者蒜苗 5、四分之一杯肉高汤 6、一汤匙植物油
1、 把猪肉洗干净,放入沸水里面煮八分钟,大约半成熟之后捞出,沥干油,然后切成2寸长,半寸宽,四分之一寸厚度的肉片,放置一边。 2、 把香葱斜成3厘米长的碎片,然后放置一边。 3、 把植物油在锅里加热至356华氏度(即180摄氏度),或者加热至油开始冒烟为止,然后加入肉片、豆瓣酱、甜豆酱、香葱或者蒜苗,以及高汤。再翻炒五分钟直至香葱变软,豆瓣酱不再有生的的味道,这个时候就可以起锅,上菜了。