Bells known songs bell is an important instrument in ancient China. With cast bronze, in accordance with the size of the order of minutes to hang on the shelves of wooden bell, colors and clear, resonant, penetrating power. The bells different shapes history, there are several different pieces. Ancient Music for Gagaku during warsfeast, worship and Circumstance should play bells. It can be used for solo or ensemble singing, dance accompaniment. Today, many of those for national orchestra, color is a strong melody instrument. The bell chimes who was oval, much like two tiles together and on the small track,the next track, longitudinal diameter smaller diameter, I do not cut risk Qi Zhong, 16.20 downward, pointed shape. The head of a stalk to the top of the bell brought Niu Niu for the bell. The bell has a specific name of the site, known as moving the upper and the lower part is called the drum bell mouth 16.20 for milling, bell onthe lips say, Name-minute dance. Department bell in the dark, casting a beautiful patterns, the Ministry of moving the bell or a decoration called for Fragrance, Each had 36 minutes of the Ministry of moving the Lombau processes, known as silt or gold. 1978 Leigutaizhongdong Hubei Suixian county suburbs Pier B-designate has unearthed the tomb of the Warring States initially believed, a total of 65 pieces. Ancient China was known as "the king of bells."
编钟,又叫歌钟,是我国古代的重要乐器。用青铜铸成,依钟的大小而有次序地挂在木制钟架上,音色清脆、悠扬,穿透力强。历代的编钟形制不一,枚数也有异。古代用于宫廷雅乐,每逢征战、宴享、朝聘和祭祀都要演奏编钟。它可以用于独奏、合奏或为歌唱、舞蹈伴奏。如今编钟多用于民族管弦乐队,是色彩性很强的旋律乐器。 编钟的钟身呈椭圆形,很象两个瓦片合在一起,上径小,下径大,纵径小,横径大,钟口边缘不截齐,两角向下延伸,成尖角形。顶端有柄的为甬钟,带钮的为钮钟。钟的各部位都有着特定的名称,上部称为钲,下部谓之鼓,钟口两角为铣,钟唇曰于,钟顶名舞。在钟的鼓部,铸有精美的图饰,钲部的纹饰称为钟带或为篆间,每枚钟的钲部都有36个突起的隆包,谓之钟乳或枚。